Viridian Experiment Log 19

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Editor's Note: This book was found in the ruins of the Viridian Isles, and is presented in its original form. This research log contains disturbing information, and is presented only for historical purposes. Any attempts to recreate these experiments will be punished by law.

"On the fifteenth day, Experiment 892 - Aedler, I think he was called - finally stopped screaming. It was quite calming, honestly. The noise had been breaking my concentration pretty immensely thus far. More importantly, the left side of his neck had begun to show signs of splitting open. This was excellent news, as it meant the magical energies we'd been channeling into him were working. If those splits were to open up fully on both sides, we'd be able to submerge the experiment within the next week and begin to test the efficacy of his ability to breathe under the water. I will continue administering the treatment. Let's see if he can keep quiet this time. I understand the injections can be quite painful.

Please see diagram #6-9751.5 for more details."

Editor's Note: The diagram noted has been removed as the request of the head archivist.