Vital Needs

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Dr. Qure

[Dr. Qure] Hmm... Now where did I put that...?


He's deep in thought while trying to find something in his office.

[Dr. Qure] Oh! I'm terribly sorry, I didn't notice you come in. What can I do for you?

[I was wondering more what I could do for you.]

[How about some medical jokes?]

[Dr. Qure] Oh, really now? Well I suppose there is this one thing...

[Dr. Qure] You see, I've lost the ingredients to make a special vitality remedy commonly used in these parts, quite a marvelous elixir! If you could fetch me some of those I could apply it to you for your travels too!

  • [I'll pass for now. They might still be in your office anyway!]
    • [Dr. Qure] You know what? You could be right!
    • He goes back to searching through his desk...

[I'm in. Where should I start?]

[Dr. Qure] Well, first of all, I require a Tenebre Mushroom from some fungal caves in the nearby islands.

1/2 - Travel to Fungus Thorn Cave in order to obtain a Tenebre Mushroom

2/2 - Once you have a Tenebre Mushroom return to Dr. Qure

Dr. Qure

[Dr. Qure] Ah perfect! You found one! 

The Doctor chucks some of the mushroom into a mortar and begins to grind it into a fine paste.

[Alright then, what's next?]

[Dr. Qure] Hmm, a fresh Saragundi Sapling from a nearby forest. I'd say the Feyrune Forest would have an ample supply.

1/2 - Travel to Feyrune Forest and retrieve a Saragundi Sapling

2/2 - Once you have a Saragundi Sapling, return to Dr. Qure

Dr. Qure

[Dr. Qure] Fantastic, it looks to be in perfect health!

The Doctor throws some leaves of the sapling into the mortar.

[What's the final ingredient?]

[Dr. Qure] So, finally, I require a bottle of Kelp Oil. Unfortunately, some pirates had stolen the last bottle I had from me... I believe they've gone back to their base camp in the Spiral Island.


[Dr. Qure] Yes, well I suppose it shouldn't be too much harder than fetching the other supplies.

1/2 - Travel to Spiral Island to retrieve some Kelp Oil

2/2 - Once you have some Kelp Oil, return to Dr. Qure

Dr. Qure

[Dr. Qure] Great work! That's the final ingredient!

He pours a drop of the oil into the mortar, and then puts the mixture into a vial.

[So, does the medicine work?]

[Dr. Qure] Of course it does! Applying it should give the person great vitality for a good while! With this fresh supply, I should have enough for weeks! Take this for your troubles.


Awarded 28 Crystalline Shards and access to Dr. Qure's healing remedy!