Welcome to the Congress

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Welcome to the Congress, written by Jeremine Arbalest is one of the many books located within The Fallen Forum. This book goes over a brief history of the Celsian Congress, as well as explaining what the specific branches of the congress do.


The Congress began in the year 790, as a collaboration between the Celsian Isles' greatest powers, the Dunes of Ishnir and the Chillwind Tundra. While the two nations have historically had immense tensions, this was a time of relative peace as each nation was recouping from various threats. The aim of the Congress was to stop the pointless warring, collect knowledge from each kingdom and compile it together to create the greatest center of knowledge and research known to mankind. Here we are, decades later, a success. We are currently headed by Eomen, the Head Researcher, who oversees our daily operations, sets the research targets and goals, and provides funding for various expeditions through petitions to the Kingdoms. The Congress is operated in several distinct branches, each accessed through the roots of the Gateway Tree, an experiment gone very wrong, that turned out to be very good for us. The Conscriptorium houses the study of forbidden and dangerous knowledge, and access is only permitted for those with high security clearances. The Conservatory is a housing unit for plant and animal life where study can take place on the rarest and most unique species, and conservation can take place for those that need it. The Laboratories are where the magic happens. Magical testing that is! This is where the experiments the Congress is known for take place on a  daily basis. The Archive is where more normal knowledge is stored, but I'm told there's more to the place than meets the eye. The Temporium is where experiments on space and time take place. Or rather, did. It's been missing for a few years now. I'm sure we'll find it some day! The Observatory is a smaller facility where observations on the surface of the world take place. It's our only above ground laboratory. Lastly, we have the Forum. It's where the general public can visit, check out approved knowledge, and gain an appreciation of what our kingdoms have created together. There is always much research to be done here, and we hope you, the visitor, are willing to help support that research in any way you can.