What Lies Within

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This Trial unlocks the Elementalist specialization for Mages.

[Monk Gehri] ...

  • [Hello?]

[Monk Gehri] ...

  • [Are you okay?]

[Monk Gehri] Ah, greetings traveler. I was so deep in meditation that I did not hear your approach.

  • [Why are you sitting out in the middle of the river?]
The monk's eyes dart open.

[Monk Gehri] The flow of the water- its constancy, its absolution... These qualities make it perfect for stilling one's mind and allowing for unmitigated concentration. Such precise meditation can allow you to understand yourself better, or even bring out latent power that lies dormant within oneself.

  • [Can it bring out power within me?]

[Monk Gehri] Such things manifest themselves differently within each person, though, with you, I can feel a great sense of magical prowess hidden deep within.

  • [Teach me how to bring this power out.]
  • [Maybe we can talk about this some other time.]

[Monk Gehri] It is not a matter of teaching, but of self-reflection. I can merely guide you towards your subconscious. The rest is up to you.

  • [Guide me, then.]

[Monk Gehri] Speak to me when you have prepared yourself for the meditation exercise.

Class: Mage
Skill: Elementalist
Description: Search for power within yourself through extreme meditation.

[Monk Gehri] Are you prepared to enter your subconscious?

  • [Yes, I am.]
  • [No, I'm not]

[Monk Gehri] Very well. Listen to my instructions carefully. Close your eyes.

[Monk Gehri] Focus only on your breathing.

[Monk Gehri] Feel the water envelope your senses.

[Monk Gehri] Now... Disconnect.

The world fades around you as your mind drifts.

[Me] [Player].

  • [Who are you?]

[Me] [Player].

  • [Where am I?]

[Me] [Player].

  • [Is that all you can say?]

[Me] No.

  • [What am I doing here...?]

[Me] This pathway leads to the deep subconscious. To unblock its entrance, the pillars must be properly configured. Tell me which pillar you wish to change, and I shall change it. When all four are set, I shall tell you how many are correctly configured.

This puzzle has a random solution each time. Trial and error each pillar. For each pillar, one at a time, change it to another block. Check your solution after each change. If the number of correct pillars goes up, then move onto the next pillar. Repeat until all four pillars are correct.

Upon correct configuration:

[Me] You have correctly configured all of the pillars. The pathway forward is now open.
You open your eyes and find yourself back at the river.
[Monk Gehri] It seems your time reflecting was well spent. Take this experience and grow from it.

Awarded Elementalist Specialization and a Combustion Staff

[Monk Gehri] ...
It seems Monk Gehri has fallen back into his meditative state.