A Shaman's Lament

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This Trial unlocks the Soothsayer specialization for Shamans.

Coordinates: [-753, 86, 1360]

[C'Rondis] Hello there; welcome to my shop! Have any ailments befallen you that need curing?

  • [No, I think I'm good.]
    • [C'Rondis] Very well then, do come back any time you are feeling ill.
  • [What's a Tlaxan doing all the way out here?]
    • [C'Rondis] Oh, you know of my people? You must be from the Valley! Quite rare for people to recognize the Tlaxani in these parts- they've dubbed me a witch doctor due to my magic and herbal remedies, but they are willing to pay a pretty penny for my potions if it means they can drink and set sail again.
      • [How did you get to Mistport?]
        • [C'Rondis] Ah! It's quite the humorous tale: a series of unexpected events involving sea shanties, two bundles of rope, and a crocodile with a particular appetite for sweets.
        • [Sounds like an interesting story.]
        • [C'Rondis] Indeed! Maybe I'll tell you in full some time. Unfortunately, right now I have my shop to tend to.
      • [If you're a Shaman, could you perhaps teach me some of your skills?]
        • [C'Rondis] Ha! So you're interested in perhaps refining your abilities, huh? Well I guess I could impart onto you some of my wisdom if you assist me with something.
        • [What do you need?]
        • [C'Rondis] I think it would be easier to explain once we got there, so prep yourself and let me know when you are ready to head out.

TRIAL : A Shaman's Lament
Class: Shaman
Specialization: Soothsayer
Description: Assist C'Rondis with his potions.

Coordinates: [-753, 86, 1360]

[C'Rondis] Hello there; welcome to my shop! Have any ailments befallen you that need curing?

[I'm ready to begin.]

[C'Rondis] Very well, let's head out.

After moving elsewhere:

C'Rondis (Soothsayer puzzle)
Coordinates: [-1851, 76, -1234]

[C'Rondis] At last, we have arrived. Before we begin though, I must ask that you keep this place a secret between the two of us.

  • [What's with the giant head statue?]
    • [C'Rondis] You may say... It was once a friend I found out here in the tundra. But, the soul that inhabited this effigy has left this world.
  • [Is that... A frost giant head?] (Appears if you have done Alric's Legacy)
    • [C'Rondis] You know of the species?
    • [Yeah, I fought one once. A frost giant named Eldrask.]
    • [C'Rondis] I see... So perhaps the song continues in this world. Yes, this is another of that race... Hyrudene the Mountain Carver.
  • [So what do we need to do here?]
    • [C'Rondis] Once a year, I come here and perform a soothing ritual at this place. My people, the Tlaxani, believe it powerful enough to calm even the dead.
    • [And how can I help?]
    • [C'Rondis] Let me explain:
    • - Around the room, you will find 8 potions that surround the massive head before you.
    • - To begin, a single potion will glow a different color than the rest, indicating its order, and you may simply punch a potion to select it as your chosen input.
    • - With each new batch, another unique potion will be added into the fray.
    • - Across the batches, the color order will always remain the same, so remembering the order of the previous batch is essential.
    • [I'm ready!]
    • You may skip this dialogue chain and start the puzzle over quickly by shift-clicking C'Rondis.
    • [C'Rondis] Very well, let us begin.

There is not much in a way of a solution. This is a randomized simon says colors.

Just run around to each potion and see what new color is added and add it to the end of either a message you have copied or write it down somewhere.

An example would be:

Round 1:
orange ->

Round 2:
orange -> Lime ->

Round 3:
orange -> Lime -> Purple ->

and so on till round 8:
orange -> Lime -> Purple -> Blue -> Red -> light blue -> Cyan -> Black

Punch the colors in order for each round. There is not a time limit.

Warning. There are 3 colors that look very similar. Light blue, Cyan, and Blue.

After completing the puzzle:

[C'Rondis] Wonderful! Brilliantly done! That'll complete the ritual, so let's get heading back.

Talk to C'Rondis to finish.

Awarded Soothsayer Specialization and a Veil of the Blizzard.