A Simple Favor

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This Trial unlocks the Assassin specialization for Rogues.

[Venen] Hmm... this could prove to be bad...

The man seems too lost in his thoughts to realize you walked in.

  • [Everything okay?]

[Venen] Oh, hello there. Hmm... You look like the kind of person who knows your way around trouble. Would you mind helping an old man out?

  • [What do you need?]
  • [Sorry, not interested.]

[Venen] Well, a few days ago, I was doing some, uh... retrieval work... when a large pirate gang stole the item I was fetching. Perhaps you could give them a bit of... convincing to give it back.

  • [Sure thing.]

[Venen] Your help is greatly appreciated. If I were in my younger years, I'd do it myself, but age is a cruel mistress... Anyway, you'll find the group of pirates near the docks, they most likely still have it with them there.

Trial : A Simple Favor
Class: Rogue
Skill: Assassin
Description: Retrieve Venen's stolen possession from pirates.

[Venen] I need you to retrieve an item for me from a group of pirates near the docks. They most likely still have it.

Crewman Berz (-805, 87, 1408)
[Crewman Berz] What do you want, eh? Beat it or else we'll beat you.
  • [I need back whatever you stole from Venen.]

[Crewman Berz] That ol' husk? He really fell low having someone else do his dirty work. Guess that's actually better for us in some ways.

  • [Give it back or there will be trouble.]

[Crewman Berz] Y'er a funny one, eh? We don't have it anyway- gave it to the captain. If you want it back, you're gonna have to get onto that ship off the coast to the south: the one with the black sails.

  • [Fine, I'll get it back.]

[Crewman Berz] Hah, good luck. The captain'll hunt down ya to the edge of the Isles if you even think about gettin' near the boat.

It seems you may have some trouble getting onto the ship. Perhaps you should talk to Venen about this first.

Returning to Venen


[Venen] I'm guessing they didn't give it back to you?

  • [They gave it to their captain, it seems.]

[Venen] I suspected as much. I guess this means we'll have to use an alternative strategy.

  • [What do you mean?]

[Venen] Well, obviously, barging onto that ship blades swinging will not work. And, even if you were successful, there's no doubt that they'd come after the both of us. We need to be a be a bit more stealthy about this. What do you think?

  • [Sounds like our best option.]

[Venen] Perfect. While you sneak into the captain's quarters, I'll create a distraction with those pirates. I may be old, but I'm not entirely useless. Now get going, and don't be afraid to get your hands bloody if you have to.

Ship is at (-638, 78, 1595), directly southeast from Venen, south from the lighthouse, just past the intellect crystallizer.

[Captain Reils] I'll admit it, I'm surprised that assassin didn't come back for their documents. That ol' man's probably too old to get it back. Huh? Who are you and how did you get on my ship? Die!

The captain falls to the floor as you deal the final blow. Whatever he stole from Venen is probably in this room somewhere.

After taking the Hitlist from the captain's cabin and returning to Venen:


[Venen] Ah, you got it! Well done, well done! I assume things didn't go so easily with the captain?

[He's dead, if that's what you mean.]

[Venen] Ah, excellent. I took... similar precautions with the crew. They aren't dead, but they'll wish they were if they bother us again.

[This document is... a hitlist. Were you an assassin?]

[Venen] I see you looked over them, then. Yes, I used to be an assassin in my younger years- one of the best. The retrieval work I mentioned was the gathering of these documents. I had not been called into action for quite a while, so you can see how serious my employers take matters such as this. Had you not stepped in, they would've been compromised.

[Venen] Now, this is the part where I usually... ensure you don't speak of these events today. However, I see a lot of potential in your abilities. You're strong, to say the least. How would you like a little training? I could hone your skills much further.

[That would be great.]

[Venen] Very well. Let me get my books first. I teach best from them.

Awarded Assassin Specialization and a Pirate's Sabre