Armor and Agility

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Armor and Agility are the two primary defensive stats present in Monumenta whose purpose is to reduce the amount of damage you take. The more armor and agility you have, the less damage you take.


Armor and agility have identical effects. For example, having 25 points of armor will result in the same damage reduction as 25 points of agility. If you solely have armor or solely have agility, then all non-ailment damage taken is multiplied by (0.96 ^ armor) or (0.96 ^ agility), respectively.

However, if you have a mixture of armor and agility, then the effective damage reduction is slightly reduced. Damage taken is multiplied by (0.96 ^ n), where n = armor + agility - 1/2 * armor * agility / (armor + agility). Essentially, the more mixed your armor and agility are, the less effective it is than just having either of them alone.

Armor/Agility Distribution Effective Combined Armor/Agility Damage Reduction
10 Armor 10 66.48% damage taken
7.5 Armor and 2.5 Agility 9.0625 69.08% damage taken
5 Armor and 5 Agility 8.75 69.96% damage taken
2.5 Armor and 7.5 Agility 9.0625 69.08% damage taken
10 Agility 10 66.48% damage taken


Certain enchantments can temporarily boost the amount of armor and agility you have under certain conditions. In most cases, each enchantment either corresponds to armor, or to agility. The Adaptability enchantment allows these enchantments to boost whatever defense type you have the most of instead of their predetermined type.

Enchantments that boost Armor

Shielding Gain (20% * level) effective Armor when taking damage from an enemy within 2.5 blocks. Taking damage that would stun a shield and activates Shielding reduces Shielding's effect to half for 5 seconds. Items
Poise Gain (20% * level) effective Armor when above 90% max health. Items
Inure Gain (20% * level) effective Armor when taking the same type of mob damage consecutively (melee, projectile, blast, or magic). Items
Steadfast Gain 0.33% effective Armor per 1% health missing, up to 20% more Armor. Items
Guard Gain (20% * level) effective Armor after blocking with a shield. Lasts for 2.5s if blocked from offhand, and 5s if blocked from mainhand. Items

Enchantments that boost Agility

Evasion Gain (20% * level) effective Agility when taking damage from a source further than 5 blocks from the player. Items
Reflexes Gain (20% * level) effective Agility when there are 4 or more enemies within 8 blocks. Items
Ethereal Gain (20% * level) effective Agility on hits taken within 2 seconds of any previous hit. Items
Tempo Gain (20% * level) effective Agility on the first hit taken after 4 seconds of taking no damage. Half of the bonus is granted after 2 seconds of taking no damage. Items
Cloaked Gain (20% * level) effective Agility when there are 2 or less enemies within 5 blocks of the player. Items