Aiming For Success

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This Trial unlocks the Ranger specialization for Scouts.

The man flashes you a quick glance, but keeps his body perfectly still - his clothes camouflaging him with the thick snow.
  • [Hello?]

[Hidgir] Speak softly. Any loud noises could cause this hill to avalanche backwards, which would ruin my favorite outlook spot.

  • [What's are you on the look out for?]

[Hidgir] Truthfully, not all that much. The queen is rather paranoid by the war right now, and believes that soldiers could be sent from Alnera, and as such has all the elite Rangers positioned around the tundra.

  • [Elite Rangers?]
  • [Sounds like a boring job.]
    • [Hidgir] Quite, but at least I can have a great view of nature from here.

[Hidgir] The Rangers are the highest class of Scouts in the Chillwind. We are the sharpshooters, you might say, and can snipe our targets from abnormally far distances. Needless to say, if you are on the wrong side of the battle and have the misfortune of getting into one of our sights, you may as well stop running because that will no longer save you.

  • [Could you give me some advice to improve my shot?]

[Hidgir] Advice, huh? I think I could do you one better. Since it is rather quiet today, like all days, I think I can get away with sneaking in some target practice with you. Grab a bow and some arrows, and I'll take you to my secret target range.

TRIAL : Aiming for Success
Class: Scout
Skill: Ranger
Description: Clear Hidgir's target test

[Hidgir] Are you ready to begin? I hope you brought your bow and plenty of arrows.

  • [I am.]
  • [Not quite yet.]
    • [Hidgir] Hurry up, then. The more time you waste, the less likely I'll be able to get away with doing this.

[Hidgir] Let's go then.

[Hidgir] I am going to set up a series of targets for you to shoot. You may use the entire roof as footing- get as close to the ledge as you like. The one rule is that you must not leave the roof. If you fall, you fail the test and must start from the beginning. Are you ready?

  • [Begin]
[Hidgir] Let's start with something easy.
[Hidgir] Fair aim, there. Lets try a bit farther, shall we. Shoot for the other end of the cathedral.
[Hidgir] Great shot! Time to crank it up a bit. Next target is over the inn.
[Hidgir] Now straight up!
[Hidgir] Fantastic! Finish it up by aiming for the clocktower.
[Hidgir] Wonderful! You've truly proven yourself quite the marksman. Now let's head back before we get into trouble.
[Hidgir] You did a great job out there. Keep honing your skills, and one day you may be a Ranger as well! As promised, I will share some of my knowledge in archery with you.

Awarded Ranger Specialization and an Eagle's Talon