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Scouts are agile masters of archery and exploration.
[CLASS ROLES] - Ranged Damage, Mobility



  • Passive: Gain 40% of your Attack Damage % as Projectile Damage, and gain 50% of your Projectile Damage % as Attack Damage


  • Level 1: You gain permanent Haste I. Your melee attacks deal +1 extra damage.
  • Level 2: You gain permanent Haste II. Increase melee damage by +1 plus 10% of final damage done.
  • Enhance: Breaking a spawner refreshes the cooldown of all your skills by 5%.

Swiftness SkillSwiftness.png

  • Level 1: Gain +20% Speed when you are not inside a town.
  • Level 2: In addition, gain Jump Boost III when you are not inside a town. Swap hands looking up, not sneaking, and not holding a projectile weapon to toggle the Jump Boost.
  • Enhance: You now have a 15% chance to dodge any projectile or melee attack.

Swift Cuts

  • Level 1: Attacking an enemy with a fully charged valid melee weapon attack grants you a Swift Cuts stack with a maximum of 3 stacks. Every stack grants you +5% melee damage. Stacks decay by 1 after 5 seconds.
  • Level 2: Maximum stacks increased to 6.
  • Enhance: Additional effect applies while having maximum Swift Cuts stacks.
    • Tactical Maneuver: -30% Cooldown.
    • Whirling Blade: +30% Damage and radius.
    • Predator Strike: -20% Cooldown
    • Split Arrow: +1 Bounce

Hunting Companion SkillHunting Companion.png

  • Level 1: Swap hands while holding a projectile weapon to summon an invulnerable fox companion. The fox attacks the nearest mob within 32 blocks. The fox prioritizes the first enemy you hit with a projectile after summoning, which can be reapplied once that target dies. The fox deals damage equal to 20% of your mainhand's projectile damage, amplified by both melee and projectile damage from gear. Once per mob, the fox stuns upon attack for 2 seconds, except for elites and bosses. When a mob that was damaged by the fox dies, you heal 5% of your max health. The fox disappears after 12 seconds. Triggering while on cooldown will clear the specified target. If used while in water, an axolotl is spawned instead, and if used while in lava, a strider is spawned instead. Cooldown: 24s.
  • Level 2: Damage is increased to 30% of your projectile damage and the stun time is increased to 3 seconds.
  • Enhance: Also summon an invulnerable eagle (parrot). The eagle deals the same damage as the fox and targets similarly, although the two will always avoid targeting the same mob at once. The eagle can swoop towards its target. The eagle applies 20% Bleed for 5s instead of stunning, which can be reapplied on a mob. If used in water, a dolphin is spawned instead.

Eagle Eye SkillEagle Eye.png

  • Level 1: When you left-click while sneaking you reveal all enemies in a 24 block radius, giving them the glowing effect for 10 seconds. Affected enemies have 20% Vulnerability. If a mob under the effect of Eagle Eye dies the cooldown of Eagle Eye is reduced by 2 seconds. This skill can not be activated if you have a pickaxe in your mainhand. Cooldown: 24s.
  • Level 2: The effect is increased to 35% Vulnerability.
  • Enhance: Your first attack against every enemy affected by this ability will deal 15% extra damage.

Volley SkillVolley.png

  • Level 1: When you shoot a projectile while sneaking, you shoot a volley consisting of 7 projectiles instead. Only one arrow is consumed, and each projectile deals 30% bonus damage. Cooldown: 15s.
  • Level 2: Increases the number of projectiles to 11 and enhances the bonus damage to 50%.
  • Enhance: Volley now fires in a 360 degree arc. The projectiles inflict 10% Bleed for 4s.

Sharpshooter SkillSharpshooter.png

  • Level 1: Your projectiles deal 25% more damage.
  • Level 2: Each enemy hit with a critical projectile gives you a stack of Sharpshooter, up to 8. Stacks decay after 5 seconds of not gaining a stack. Each stack makes your projectiles deal an additional +4% damage. Additionally, passively gain a 20% chance to not consume arrows when shot.
  • Enhance: Your projectiles deal an extra 1.5% damage per block of distance between you and the target, up to 16 blocks.

Wind Bomb SkillWind Bomb.png

  • Level 1: Press the swap key while sneaking and holding a projectile weapon to throw a projectile that, upon contact with the ground or an enemy, deals 40% of your projectile damage to mobs in a 3 block radius and launches them into the air, giving them Slow Falling and 20% Weaken for 4s. Cooldown: 15s.
  • Level 2: The damage is increased to 50% of your projectile damage and the cooldown is reduced to 10s. Additionally, you passively deal 15% more damage to airborne enemies.
  • Enhance: On impact, generate a vortex that pulls mobs within 10 blocks toward the center for 3 seconds.


Rangers are agile masters of archery and that have unparalleled mastery of movement.
[CLASS ROLES] - Ranged Damage, Mobility
Choosing this specialization requires completion of Aiming For Success.

Quickdraw SkillQuickdraw.png

  • Level 1: Left-clicking with a projectile weapon instantly fires that projectile, fully charged. This skill can only apply Recoil once before touching the ground. Cooldown: 6s.
  • Level 2: Arrows shot with this skill are given +1 piercing. Cooldown: 3s.

Tactical Maneuver SkillTactical Maneuver.png

  • Level 1: Press the drop key while not sneaking to dash forward, dealing 14 damage to the first enemy hit, and stunning it and all enemies in a 3 block radius for 1 second. Press the drop key while sneaking to leap backwards, dealing 8 damage to enemies in a 3 block radius and knocking them away. Cooldown: 10s. Charges: 2.
  • Level 2: Cooldown: 8s. Charges: 3.

Whirling Blade SkillWhirling Blade.png

  • Level 1: Use the swap key while holding a weapon to throw a whirling blade that circles around you, knocking back and dealing 9 melee damage to enemies it hits and inflicts 30% weakness and 20% slowness for 20s. Cooldown: 6s. Charges: 2.
  • Level 2: The damage is increased to 18 and also stuns for 0.75 second.


Hunters are agile masters of exploration that have dedicated their lives to archery.
[CLASS ROLES] - Ranged Damage, Mobility
Choosing this specialization requires completion of An Otherworldly Hunt.

Pinning Shot

  • Level 1: The first time you shoot a non-boss enemy, pin it for 2.5s. Pinned enemies are afflicted with 100% Slowness and 30% Weaken (Bosses receive 30% Slowness and no Weaken). Shooting a pinned non-boss enemy deals 10% of its max health on top of regular damage and removes the pin. A mob cannot be pinned more than once.
  • Level 2: Weaken increased to 60% and bonus damage increased to 20% max health.

Predator Strike File:SkillPredator Strike.png

  • Level 1: Left-clicking with a projectile weapon while not sneaking will prime a Predator Strike that unprimes after 5s. When you fire a critical projectile, it will instantaneously travel in a straight line for up to 30 blocks or until it hits an enemy or block and damages enemies in a 1.25 block radius. This ability deals 200% of your projectile damage increased by 10% for every block of distance from you and the target (up to 12 blocks, or 320% total). Cooldown: 18s.
  • Level 2: Damage now increases by 15% for each block of distance (up to 380% in total). Cooldown: 14s.

Split Arrow

  • Level 1: When you hit an enemy with an arrow, the next nearest enemy within 5 blocks takes 35% of the original arrow damage (ignores invulnerability frames).
  • Level 2: Damage to the second target is increased to 60% of the original arrow damage.