As Below, So Above

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Follow Namtar's instructions to begin your attack on Sirius.

Coordinates: [7 171 823]

[Namtar] Progress. I can barely believe it!

[Nor can I. Now, we have work to do.]

[Namtar] Is it time to strike? With the Knight gone, I assume the pieces are in place.

[Yes, it's time. Aurora and Maywitch gave me their shards, then I delivered them to Tuulen. She is keeping Sirius' attention - for now. What's the plan?]

[Namtar] The Cosmic Observatory nearby has the answers we need. There is a communion platform on the roof where we think the Silver Knights used to cast spells to bolster the Veil. We each need to obtain a blessing from around the island and we may be able to replicate that power to strike down Sirius.

[Sounds good. Where am I going?]

C: Talk to Namtar about where you're going.


[Namtar] I'm sending you to the Shrine of Forlorn Faith on the far side of the Star Point. It's underneath the Lunacrest base, over the ocean. Maywitch is going underneath the Chantry to a blessing just below us. Orion is going west of the Starbound Sanctuary. Aurora is seeking answers in the cathedral of the Tolumaeus. I'm going to the chapels underground. Lastly, Silver Knight Tuulen is already in place at Uriddan's shrine.

[Anything I need to look out for?]

[Namtar] Yeah. The Shrine you're going to is sealed up and we never found a way in. I'm sure you can do it though.

[Uh, okay. Thanks for the vote of confidence.]

[Namtar] Of course. Once we've all received the blessing, we need to hurry to the Constellation Tower. I expect we'll meet fierce resistance once Sirius works out what we're doing. {...}

[Orion] Why isn't Ganzir helping? {...}

[Namtar] Sirius got him when the Stars first turned against us. Scouts have claimed they've caught glimpses of him still out there, but he's theirs now. {...}

[Orion] Oh... I'm... sorry. {...}

[Namtar] If we see him, I hope we can kill him and bring him rest. That's not Ganzir anymore, just a puppet. But enough about old friends. We need to get moving. Is everyone ready?

[I am.]

[Maywitch] I am as well. {...}

[Orion] Let's go. {...}

[Namtar] Good luck all.

C: Travel to the Shrine of Forlorn Faith

Coordinates: [53 117 1417]

To get access to the Shrine, you need to activate seven beacons. One is at the Shrine entrance, the other six are spread across Star Point. The number of particle-emitting cauldrons at the Shrine entrance corresponds to the number of beacons active.

  • 6 136 835
  • 90 143 1188
  • 18 107 1244
  • 185 98 894 (The entrance is at 227 138 947. Enter the structure, dig through the gravel on the left wall, and follow the cave downward to a crypt containing the beacon.)
  • 37 71 909 (The entrance is at 48 89 898.)
  • 192 141 1000

Upon entering the Shrine:

You have come seeking truth? Come, see it...

C: Talk to "Ganzir".


[Sirius] The way forward is barred. The Skylords must be present to break the seal and they have been gone for so long... I have made sure of this. Why must you persist?

[Your masters want to destroy our world.]

[Sirius] You do not know what you say. You've never let them speak to you, [Player]. You do not know their Heart. Let them speak to you and learn the truth

[I've seen what's happened to others that were spoken to. I'm not interested.]

[Sirius] So be it. I will continue to keep this place safe for Aurora, when she finally returns to the fold.

[She won't do that. She knows how the Stars lie now.]

[Sirius] Of course she does. Why would she ever be tempted again? She seeks godhood. What would she do if it were offered again? You should kill her now. Strike her down before it becomes too late for you.

[It's already too late for you, Sirius.]

[Sirius] Soon enough you will know the veracity of my words. If you change your mind, I offer you a boon. Take it to the Tower. If you find yourself in need when Aurora and her cult betrays you, use it. You will see... You will not enter Phyrrys without me.

You find your pocket weighed down by a tiny shard - a gift from Sirius - before you are thrown violently back to the Shrine.

C: Head to the Constellation Tower to meet your allies.

Coordinates: [136 223 623]

[Namtar] The others are lagging behind, I believe. Everything seems to have worked though. I feel the power pulsing through me. I think we should head inside now and let everyone else catch up.

[Did you get a visit?]

[Namtar] A visit? I...

[From Sirius.]

[Namtar] Ah... yes. He makes it all seem so tempting. He demanded I kill Aurora.

[He did the same to me. She's important to this plan.]

[Namtar] I agree. I of course refused him. He tempted me by promising to return Ganzir to us... He was standing right there...

[I saw Ganzir as well. Can he really do that?]

[Namtar] He acted as if he could. It's not worth it. The Stars are the enemy. Let's focus - this place is swarming with blighted monstrosities and we have a Herald to destroy. I'll see you at the top.

[Sirius] This is your last chance. Turn back now...

C: Ascend the tower and defeat Sirius' champion.

After defeating Constellation Construct at the top of Constellation Tower and entering the white vortex:

Coordinates: [1529 133 -1712]

[Aurora] You made it. Splendid. Did you see Maywitch or Orion on your way up?

[No. No sign of them. Are they okay? Also... how did you get that arm up here?]

[Namtar] I'm getting worried. Can we do this without them, Aurora? {...}

[Aurora] Not in any way I'm comfortable with. The Stars are focusing on us so strongly. {...}

[Ganzir] Hello brother and sister. I have missed you so.

[Sirius?! You're the body he was speaking to me through, at least!]

[Aurora] No, that's Ganzir, [Player]. I was worried we would see you here. Sirius is using every tool in his arsenal I see. Are you here to let us finish this, or must we go through you? {...}

[Ganzir] The Stars cannot allow your fit to continue. Return to us Aurora. Come home to those you've dedicated your life to. We miss you. {...}

[Aurora] I am not coming back to become food for you and your masters. Get out of our way, Ganzir. This is ending today. Sirius will fall. {...}

[Ganzir] So be it, Aurora Lunacrestum. You brought this upon yourself and your allies.

After defeating Ganzir, Blighted Lunacrest:

C: Speak to Aurora

Coordinates: [1529 133 -1712]

[Maywitch] [Player]! What's happening here?

[You're alive?! Ganzir showed up completely blighted and we had to fight him.]

[Orion] Of course we are, the blighted were holding us off pretty heavily until a moment ago. I'm glad to hear Ganzir has found his rest... What's with the giant arm?

[I still don't know.]

[Namtar] Ishmur sent it along somehow. We're going to use it to shoot down Sirius. In fact, he should be here any moment. {...}

[Aurora] I believe we can start without him. Let us find our places. {...}

[Aurora] Orion, call out to the heavens. {...}

[Orion] Superius, ego invocabo te! {...}

[Aurora] Namtar, [Player]. Raise thy hands as we intone... Potestas per lineas in nos fluere debet.

[Potestas per lineas in nos fluere debet.]

The ritual continues in this way for a while as strange words are spoken, magic condenses above, and bodies twist to accommodate it. Soon you sense it is nearing an end. {...}

[Aurora] Namtar, the time is now. Everyone, I'm sorry. You must remain still. Non est motus. {...}

Namtar grabs Orion and shoves him forward to the center of the ritual, then returns to his spot. You try to press forward but find you cannot. Maywitch seems to be doing the same. {...}

[Orion] What?! No- {...}

[Aurora] Silentium. I am so sorry. This ritual requires a sacrifice. A life for a life. We are so close to what we all need. The Indigo Wool awaits us in Phyrrys, of this I am sure. The wool that controls the aspect of Space - that which holds the key to the ultimate manipulation of magic, Inversion. It can rebuild pathways. Create something new by warping the very space the magic travels. With that power, we can destroy the Stars and cast their corpses forth from our world. Sacrifices must be made. Ishmur, are you ready? {...}

[Ishmur] Hello everyone. Good to see you all; it's been awhile. Especially you Orion. I will mourn you after this is over. Yes, the arm is ready. All this magic needs is his lifeblood now.

[Aurora, stop! You can't do this! ...Why are you doing this?]

[Maywitch] Stop this! No! You can't betray us like this! I knew this was a mistake coming here. You're a traitor through and through Aurora Lunacrestum! You always have been. First Aphelios, then your people, then Orion. You have no care for others, only power! {...}

[Aurora] No, that is not the case. I am making a sacrifice for the greater good, Maywitch. Hate me all you will, but this must be done. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you, but I knew neither you nor [Player] would be okay with this.

[Ridiculous. You don't need to kill your friend to do this. We could have used Ganzir's body if you really needed blood that badly. This is insanity!]

[Aurora] We could not. He was no longer himself. He belonged to the Stars. Starblood is of no use to us.

[Sirius told me you would betray us. This is what the Stars want.]

[Aurora] Oh, you poor, foolish hero. Don't listen to his whispers, [Player]. He lies. I swear to you, there is no other way. I am sorry. Orion, I thank you for your service and am so thankful for your return to me. Your contribution to the cause will be forever remembered. Goodbye old friend. {...}

With a soft flick of a knife, Aurora slits his throat. With a scream of rage, Maywitch tries again to hurl herself forward but fails, before collapsing to her knees with a wail. You remember what Sirius had said. The Shard. You hesitate for a moment, then pull it out of your pocket. {...}

[Aurora] [Player]... What are you doing? What is that?

[A Shard of Sirius. To stop this.]

[Aurora] Wait, no, don't- {...}

You throw the shard toward her and Orion's gurgling body. It shatters as it touches them and Aurora screams out.

[Aurora] NO! THIS IS NOT THE WAY! {...}

[Ishmur] Aurora, I have to fire now. Orion's mana is overwhelming the arm! Take cover! {...}

The blaster on the arm flares up and a massive wave of energy fires into the sky. A great roar is heard from the heavens and a comet seems to start a slow descent. Then, the night sky seems to fragment slightly... {...}

[Aurora] You've made a mistake... I swear to you this wasn't a betrayal. This entire ritual was to cast down Sirius. Please, I beg you to forgive me for hiding what had to be done. If we survive what is coming, meet me at Uriddan's Tomb with Silver Knight Tuulen. We will destroy Sirius. Please. {...}

[Aurora] But you need to know... Your throwing of that shard imbued has our spell with Sirius' power too... The sky is cracking, just like the Stars wanted... They are coming in...


C: Find who was speaking to you.

Silver Emperor Uriddan
Coordinates: [36 17 -1388]

[Silver Emperor Uriddan] It is you that caused this wild imbalance, I can see that. You have made me reveal myself before my time, [Player]. For that, you must repent.

[You're... Uriddan? Tuulen was right?! You ARE alive?]

[Silver Emperor Uriddan] Alive may not be the term I would use. I exist. That is all that matters. My form had to be shed to keep this world safe. We have met before in this form. I have used you when I needed strength and I thank you for such use of your vessel, as I have used so many others in the past. Veltoth, Maeson, Aster, Skykorwu, and so many others. Each such a strong memory as they brought the blow down on the sleepers. I have need of your form again.

[Wait, what?]

[Silver Emperor Uriddan] I have taken as much of the Vesperidys inside this prison as I could, but it was not designed to hold them, like it is to hold the Loamskattar. There is a world within this prison and you must traverse it to find where the "Stars" have fled. You must destroy them before it is too late and everything you have caused breaks.

[So let me get this straight... You're Uriddan, the former Emperor of the Architect's Ring.]

[Silver Emperor Uriddan] Yes.

[You're a Silver Knight.]

[Silver Emperor Uriddan] Once, yes.

[You've been inside the Indigo Wool.]

[Silver Emperor Uriddan] We're inside the Indigo Wool as we speak, you and I. I must remain here to keep the Loamskattar fully contained. The edges must be pruned or it will outgrow us.

[And now the Stars are inside here too and if I don't find them and kill them, the Wool will break and free the Indigo Spirit.]

[Silver Emperor Uriddan] Very good, yes. I don't know if one can call the Loamskattar a 'spirit', like I am right now. But yes. If you have more questions, we may speak of them when this duty is complete. Your friends are safe as well. I have scattered them across Serebria to be far from where the Veil cracked. The Veil will heal, however, if the Herald can be killed as well. Another task for you, I suppose.

[Alright. I think I can do this.]

[Silver Emperor Uriddan] You do not have a choice. Take this key, gather your strength, and enter the Celestial Zenith. The Vesperidys waits for you above.

Awarded a Celestial Zenith Key and the Eyes of the Loamskattar.