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This book used to be named Ascension, but was re-named due to another book of that name existing.


Insert 1
My study of this artifact has lead to such interesting results.

From what little I have been able to see so far, my initial theory is that it likely unlocks the latent potential of the mind. What wonders will I be able to sew with such a power at my disposal?

Insert 2
I believe it's time I use this on a human subject.

Those who follow under me are insatiably gullible. Humans desire something to believe in. It drives them forward through this painful existence. It will be of little effort on my part to get one to volunteer for such an experiment.

I feel a slight itch at the back of my neck. I can only imagine it's the looming excitement.

Insert 3
Magnificent, truly marvelous. This test went far greater than I could have imagined.

The subject formed a set of new arms, growing directly out from their napes.

Not only that, but they were fully muscled. Their new arms had a free moving nature, as any other arm would.

It seems my theory on tampering with the mind was correct. It forced his mind into believing it was in the fetal stage, and he grew arms accordingly.

This itch is becoming slightly more irritating.

Insert 4
Of course, the hag of a woman began screaming about the disappearance of her son. Does she not realize the research he has helped me with?

No, humans, like their desire to believe in something, also have an innate hunger for selfish needs. She wants only for her, not for what is best for the whole.

This incessant itch refuses to stop. I need to find alternative treatments.

Insert 5
By the day, more followers under me begin to grow their doubts. My words can only drag them so far, but my plan has almost reached its climax.

It is a god they desire, that thing they so desperately wish to believe in. And if it is a god they crave, I shall rise to fill that position.

With this power, I shall ascend to the throne of deities. Soon.

The itch has become a constant burning.

Insert 6
It has been done, the wool has been absorbed into my flesh. My mortal coil was shed, and it granted me a new form. A form that fulfills the desires of the human existence.

No longer am I a simple leader of a cult of lunatics. No longer am I Aster Saroth. No, I have become much more than that.

I am a god, I am Astaroth.

The itching has finally subsided.