Bad Moon Rising

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Elder Lytania
Coordinates: [-353, 113, -159]

[Elder Lytania] She knows about your lies, [Player Name]. There is little time left for you.

[Huh? Who knows what now?]

[Elder Lytania] Hycenea knows you have taken control of Harrakfar's prison once more. She feels betrayed, knowing the one who freed her has also lied to her. I am warning you now so you can return the Wolf to her immediately, before there are serious consequences.

[I... have no idea what you're talking about...]

[Elder Lytania] I respect you for your involvement in helping the Aradia defeat the traitorous Coven leaders at Ravenna, but you cannot lie to me. Hycenea caught wind from the East of the destruction of the Green Wool. This instigated her search for Harrakfar once more, and all signs point to you. There is nothing left in the Bastille but a corpse, stained with Wolf-touched blood.

[I guess I don't typically pick up after myself...]

[Elder Lytania] Consider this a gentle warning to return the Wool. Hycenea is looking at drastic measures if you do not make this right.

[Can I speak to her?]

[Elder Lytania] She is already sending a message to Galengarde as we speak. [Player Name], she has freed Mad Molldyer from the trap we sprung to strand her within the Tree of Life. I suggest you-{...}

Lytania stares into the void behind you, as if losing her train of thought mid-sentence.{...}

[Elder Lytania] Oh. Oh no.

[What is it?]

[Elder Lytania] She is early. Molldyer approaches Galengarde now. Hycenea's rage rides with her. This will be no warning. This is an attack. Go, swiftly.

[I will. Thanks for the warning, I guess...]

[Elder Lytania] Do not thank me - return the Wool or face destruction. Your deception alone has wrought this outcome.


Length: Medium

Difficulty: Hard

Galengarde will be attacked by Hycenea. You need to warn the Primirium!

Compass.png  : Bad Moon Rising: Galengarde is going to be attacked! You need to warn the Primirium!

Coordinates: [-317 182 -663]

[Verdanne] [Player Name], thank the bylaws you're here. We're not sure what's going on, but there's something immense probing at the protections provided by Chenmai's roots.

[That's actually why I'm here. It's the Coven.]

[Verdanne] What?! But why, we made peace! Hycenea is in charge again!

[Hycenea has sent Mad Molldyer to try and reclaim the Blue Wool.]

[Verdanne] Oh. Oh no. She found out? How? You didn't break the Official Secrecy Act, did you?

[Oh yeah, this is definitely an outcome I wanted...]

[Verdanne] Regardless, we need to take action now. Mad Molldyer, you say? She's unhinged, like her name implies, but also has mastery over the art of fire. We'll need fire fighting materials.{...}

[Tybale] I am, of course, way ahead of you. A soldier is always prepared - and we live in a tree! The Galengarde Arboreal Society provided us with a stash of fire suppressant. Let me give you a ration of it, Deputy [Player Name]!

[What do I do with it?]

[Tybale] Mad Molldyer will be setting things aflame. Use the fire suppressant near any active flame to put it out. Maybe use some on Molldyer herself - can't hurt, right?

[Has anyone seen her?]

[Tybale] There's been no reports yet of-{...}

[Voice of Hycenea] Citizens of Galengarde... I regret to inform thee... thy leaders have betrayed thee... I come with a... singular demand... Return to me mine love, Harrakfar. The traitor, [Player Name], and... thy leaders, the Primirium have... hidden him from me... when I was promised his safe... return.{...}

[Voice of Hycenea] With me is... the fire witch... Molldyer, former queen of flames of... the twisted Coven... She is under... my thrall... but if my demands are... not met, she shall be... unleashed.{...}

[Voice of Hycenea] What say thee, [Player Name]? Do you hold... my Great Wolf captive still...? Thou may... answer. I shall hear thy lies firsthand...

[Yes, I have it but I can't turn it over. I can keep it safe.]

[Voice of Hycenea] You cannot... keep him safe... The host of Green has died and you... had done naught to stop... it. The Blackbearer is a threat we... cannot contain... Harrakfar must be with me...

[I'm sorry, but I can't do that.]

[Voice of Hycenea] Then Galengarde... will burn. Molldyer, I release thee to war.

Compass.png  : Bad Moon Rising: Chenmai is going to burn! Climb the branches and put out the fires!

Coordinates: [-317 182 -663]

[Verdanne] We've gotten reports of fires appearing across the branches of Chenmai! Playername, Mad Molldyer must have been planning an attack from the top!

[I'll do what I can do find her.]

[Tybale] Go, [Player Name]. Galengarde is behind you. We'll begin putting the town in lockdown. I'll leave a path open for you to get to the branches. Now find her and put out any fires you may find!

Tybale hands you a fire suppressant before heading out.

Compass.png  : You put out the last fire! Time to head up to the top of Chenmai!

Mad Molldyer
Coordinates: [1677, 230, -2199]

[Mad Molldyer] BAHAHA! Isn't it beautiful, worm? The fire? The smoke? The FREEDOM TO BURN?! I'm going to destroy this tree, the FOOLS living below... and most importantly, you. YOU have what Lady Hycenea wants.

[You're just her pawn.]

[Mad Molldyer] BUT I AM ALIVE. THAT IS ENOUGH. I will do what she wants if I don't... have to see... the darkness below anymore... what is below... NO. IT WILL BURN.

[Mad Molldyer] HA! A different kind of FREEDOM! I am not alone though. The others wait at the Sanctum of Sunken Faith... HAHAHA. You should go find them if you ever want this to end...

She bursts into flames, cackling down like a mad women before crumbling into ash... You should jump down from Chenmai now.

Compass.png  : Bad Moon Rising: Molldyer has been handled. Reconvene with the Primirium.

You fall down from Chenmai and land on one of the lower branches.

Coordinates: [-317, 182, -663]

[Tybale] The reports of fires seems to have calmed. She's dead then, I assume?

[Nothing but ash...]

[Tybale] So it's over then? We're done fighting?

[Not likely. Molldyer said something about the other Coven leaders at the "Sanctum of Sunken Faith".]

[Verdanne] I see... The Sanctum is a site beyond the bounds of the Locum Vernantia, locked off since the Porphyry took control of the area. If Hycenea and the Coven witches have gone there, you should be able to follow with ease.

[I'll get right on it.]

[Tybale] That's the spirit!

Compass.png  : Bad Moon Rising: The threshold to the Sanctum of Sunken Faith lies beyond the Locum Vernantia. Defeat the Porphyry within and find the path forward.

Coordinates: [-737, 10, -652]

The Porphyry

[Nalatia] Did you bring the Great Wolf?

[Laurey] Did you bring the Great Wolf?

[The Vedha] Did you bring the Great Wolf?

[Uh... I've already said I won't be giving it up.]

[Nalatia] We will take him from you.

[Laurey] We will take him from you.

[The Vedha] We will take him from you.

[The Wool is safer with me, or at least on the Monument. Hycenea will destroy the Woods, whether she means to or not.]

[Nalatia] Ha, ha, ha. You will die for your insolence.

[Laurey] Ha, ha, ha. You will die for your insolence.

[The Vedha] Ha, ha, ha. You will die for your insolence.

[I'd like to see you try!]

[Nalatia, Laurey, and The Vedha] I WILL BE REUNITED... WITH THE GREAT WOLF... MY HARRAKFAR...

After bringing The Vedha, Thrashing Tide to 50% of their max HP:

The Vedha

[The Vedha] No! I will not be a part of this madness. I am no tool for Hycenea to control...

The Vedha will then leave the fight.

After defeating all three bosses:

Effigy of Hycena

[Effigy of Hycenea] You came... Good... Harrakfar will return to me soon...

[I can't give him to you, Hycenea.]

[Effigy of Hycenea] It was... here that Harrakfar... was kept from me. Back then it was... a place across the open... water that my... roots could... not traverse... The Knights knew... I would come... for him but could... not contain me like... they could him.

[Why not?]

[Effigy of Hycenea] They build... the wool prisons for... the beings they... hunt... It took... so much time... for my Dryads and I to... grow beneath the... muddy shores to... bring the earth up enough... for my roots... to find him...

[And then the Coven Leaders imprisoned you?]

[Effigy of Hycenea] Yes... And stole my... Harrakfar's power... from me while I rotted... in my chains. My Dryads... drifted to other... shores... darker... water...

[What are you telling me all this for?]

[Effigy of Hycenea] I merely revel in... feeling near him again... This time is... pleasant for a moment before... I must destroy thee.

[Why do you want it instead of moving on? He must have been imprisoned for a reason.]

[Effigy of Hycenea] There is no... reason great enough to... allow you to keep him from... me now. The Moon has risen... A bad moon... a portent of your doom... The Hex has been... empowered by its radiant light... I will draw it down upon the Woods if you do not... give him to me now... All will end.

[No matter how much you threaten me, I can't and won't.]

[Effigy of Hycenea] So be... it. Enter the Sanctum of... Sunken Faith and... face Ru'Ten if you wish to ever reach me... Your doom... awaits...{...}


Awarded a Hexfall key and 1 Pulsating Diamond!