Cazol (Book)

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Cazol is a book about Cazol written by a member of the Sons of the Forest. It can be found on a lectern near the end of the Inner Sanctum Story Strike, which must be conquered during Unveiled. Its contents follow up from the books Foundations and Struck Down.


Cazol was no Tlaxan. Yet he spoke our tongue and knew our ways. He found those with rebellion in our hearts and spoke the words we needed to hear. The Sons of the Forest would be reborn. Cazol did not want to lead, only to provide what we wound need. He found us a home. We chose to call it after C'Telsket, to eternalize his sacrifice. This verdant fortress would be called Ta'Telsket. A home for those who had none. It was here Cazol would set up an infernal machine. A fragment of a god, he told us, to grant the Sons of the Forest the power they deserved. Soon, the colonizers would fall. Our efforts would not be in vain. The dark power Cazol has created in the heart of Ta'Telsket has granted us immense strength. We will do what C'Telsket never could – find Kaul and turn the spirit of the jungle against the colonizers.