Inner Sanctum

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The Inner Sanctum is a story strike in Monumenta, found in the King's Valley.


Complete the Unveiled quest. You will unlock the lobby, and complete this strike during the quest. Kathryn will be the key seller.

The Lobby

The lobby is similar to a typical dungeon lobby. The teleports to the capital and overworld opposite of the observer. Kathryn sells the Inner Sanctum Key and stands by the only Observer room.

Entering the Strike

To enter the Inner Sanctum shard, the player must purchase a Inner Sanctum Key from the NPC (32 cxp) and talk to the observer. After confirmation, the player and up to three others will be transported into the shard. Similarly to dungeons, only one key is required for a group.


Since this is a story strike, it behaves differently compared to other strikes. There is unlimited deaths, and does not have a lootroom, unlike other strikes. Chests provide typical loot, as a POI or dungeon might.


Son of the Forest

Mob Type: Zombie Villager

Max Health: 24.0

Armor: 2.0

Damage: 10.0 Attack Damage

Speed: 0.23

Effects: No Effects

Warden of the Forest

Mob Type: Zombie Villager

Max Health: 64.0

Armor: 2.0

Damage: 13.5 Attack Damage

Speed: 0.23

Effects: No Effects

Regular minecraft creeper (?)


Chest tiers ranges from 3-4. (verify?)


Shards of the Past: You have discovered the Verdant lobby. Something dark lies beyond...