Clucked Up

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To the start the quest you must be "Afflicted by the Clucks".

This is just having an item with the cosmetic Clucking. This can be achieved in one of two ways.

The first is by killing certain chickens found in the Grove where you will receive an item with Clucking or getting the arrow with Clucking from Voyage of Discovery and not using it.

Coordinates of their spawner: [1484, 138, 237]

The second is by either being splashed or splashing yourself with a Jar of Clucks.

The potion can only be obtained by buying from another player or by completing the race unlocked by this quest.

Master of Clucks
Coordinates: [-106, 97, -63]

[Master of Clucks] Oh my! You've been Clucked!

[Excuse me?]

[Master of Clucks] You have the... CURSE... upon thee! Do you not FEEL its horrible influence hanging over thy head? THE NOISE! THE ENDLESS CLUCKING!?

  • [Oh um. Yeah I guess I have noticed that.]
    • [Master of Clucks] Do you wish to rid yourself of this... CURSE?
  • [How did this happen?]
    • [Master of Clucks] This is not a question I have answers to! SO!

[Master of Clucks] Do you wish to rid yourself of this... CURSE?

  • [Yes!]
    • [Master of Clucks] THEN LET US BEGIN!
  • [I mean, I suppose. It's fine I guess.]
    • [Master of Clucks] Your level of enthusiasm concerns me, but WE SHALL BEGIN!
  • [Not now.]
    • [Master of Clucks] INSANITY! Once you do, I will be here!

Speak to the MASTER OF CLUCKS!

Master of Clucks

[Master of Clucks] Now then! Next to me here you will see a POULTRYGEIST (ahh!)! You will not know true terror until you've tried to handle one of theses beasts.

    • [Master of Clucks] THEN YOU KNOW WHAT WE MUST DO!!. These Poultrygeist are an invading force, sent from far across the Valley in the horrible GROVE to invade our homes and cluck up life for us ALL!
  • [Looks like an outline of a chicken.]
    • [Master of Clucks] FOR THAT IT IS! One filled with eternal RAGE! These Poultrygeist are an invading force, sent from far across the Valley in the horrible GROVE to invade our homes and cluck up life for us ALL!
  • [That's not scary.]
    • [Master of Clucks] BUT IT IS! These Poultrygeist are an invading force, sent from far across the Valley in the horrible GROVE to invade our homes and cluck up life for us ALL!

[So how do we stop them?]

[Master of Clucks] I... I don't know yet. I've been trying to interrogate this ah... this Poultrygeist here but it's not been going well, I fear...

[Can I help?]

[Master of Clucks] I... suppose? Not with the interrogation though. That's far too dangerous. I need you to go help me get something the Poultrygesit fears...

[Do you have any ideas?]

[Master of Clucks] Oh I know exactly what you need. I need you to get me an EASTER EGG!

  • [An Easter Egg? What? Why? Where can I even get one?]
    • [Master of Clucks] It's the only thing these evil chickens fear - the magical eggs of Rabbits themselves! The Bunny Baron under the Carrot field should be able to help.
  • [Uh, okay. Where can I get one?]
    • [Master of Clucks] The Bunny Baron under the Carrot Field should be able to help!

Speak to the Baron of All Bunnies, the Bunny Baron.

The Bunny Baron
Coordinates: [-131, 90, -121]

[The Bunny Baron] WELCOME to the lair of the BUNNY BARON!

[Uh... hello?]

[The Bunny Baron] Do YOU come seeking the CARROTS? Nay, mayhaps the BUNNIES THEMSELVES? Or do you seek the true treasure, my JEWELED BUNNY SLIPPERS?!

[Actually I'm here about an Easter Egg for the Master of Clucks. He told me you had one.]

[The Bunny Baron] WHAT?! That scoundrel DARES send someone to me?

  • [He needs it to interrogate a Poultrygeist!]
    • [The Bunny Baron] A POULTRYGEIST?! SCREW THOSE GUYS! Well then... I suppose I could part with an Easter Egg... if you do ONE SMALL FAVOR for me!
    • [Which is?]
    • [The Bunny Baron] DESCEND within the cave behind me and do battle with the MIGHTY BEAST inside. Defeat it and return to me and mayhaps you shall be granted... AN EASTER EGG!
  • [You know, you two sound rather alike!]
    • [The Bunny Baron] HOW DARE YOU! Comparing the CLORIOUS ME to that circus dwelling no good CHICKEN?! BEGONE!

Defeat the BEAST in the Bunny Barron's Warren to get an Egg from the Baron!

Don't worry about the fight at all. The Pig God is just a literal health stick. None of the attacks do damage.

Start of fight:



After lowering The Pig God's hp by 1 bar:




[Godly Clucking Spirit] Cluck Cluck!


[Godly Clucking Spirit] Cluck. Cluck Cluck Cluck Cluck. Cluck CLUCK!!!

Your curse of Clucking is suddenly brought out in power, making you feel extremely powerful!

You have gained OP AS CLUCK powers!! Cluck em' up


After you kill The Pig God:



The Bunny Baron

[The Bunny Baron] IT IS DONE! I heard the dreadful SCREAMS as you took down the BEAST! No more shall that horrible CREATURE in the form of one so porcine HAUNT US! Now quickly, take this Easter Egg and be on your way!

Return to the MASTER OF CLUCKS with the Easter Egg.

Master of Clucks

[Master of Clucks] You did it! Excellent. I'll just take that then... and we can head into the LAIR and begin the interrogation!

[The lair?]

[Master of Clucks] YES! The LAIR! It's just down the ladder next to me. We've got quite a cushy basement set up, okay? Are you ready?

  • [Let's do it!]
    • [Master of Clucks] ONWARD!
  • [Not yet.]
    • [Master of Clucks] Let me know when you are and we can begin!

Speak to the MASTER OF CLUCKS to head to his supercool secret lair!

Master of Clucks [Lair]

[Master of Clucks] Welcome to the LAIR [Player]! I think it is time to begin the interrogation!

[What can I do to help?]

[Master of Clucks] Stand here, look intimidating, and feed me questions! I'll translate this FIEND'S answers!

[Sounds good!]

[Master of Clucks] Now! ASK YOUR QUESTION!

  • [How do I get uncursed?]
    • [Master of Clucks] He says "You must travel atop the greatest tree in the forest and steal the Decluckifier from the Motherclucker herself!"
    • [Terrified Poultrygeist] BWAWKKK!!!!!
    • [The greatest tree? In the Jungle?]
    • [Master of Clucks] He says "Yes, the Motherclucker has set up her terrifying outpost there. Soon we shall spread beyond the Grove and--"
    • [Terrified Poultrygeist] Bwa-bwakk!
    • [And what?]
    • [Master of Clucks] He's... he's dead? He's not saying anything else. Why do we still hear the bwawks?
    • [I... don't know?]
    • [Master of Clucks] Of course you don't, fools. I have silenced this traitor. You're coming with me! BWAWKKK!!!
  • [Why did you do this to me?]
    • [Master of Clucks] He says "I did nothing to you! We merely distributed the jars. SOMEONE ELSE thre them at you! MUAHAHAHA!"
    • [Terrified Poultrygeist] Bwuck-BWAWK!
  • [What is the average land-speed of an unladen swallow?]
    • [Master of Clucks] He says... wait..
    • [Terrified Poultrygeist] African or European?

Speak with your fellow prisoner to try and escape the Motherclucker.

Imprisoned Poultrygeist

[Imprisoned Poultrygeist] I can't believe the Motherclucker! She's going to De-Geist me! This is ABSURD!!! Here, I'll tell you what. I'll give you the tome that will let you break the Clucking Curse. That will make her mad!

  • [That seems fair to me.]
    • [Imprisoned Poultrygeist] Excellent. Get ready to run - it's gonna be a real race to get away from the Motherclucker's chickens!
      • [I'm ready to go!]
        • [Imprisoned Poultrygeist] Good luck! BY MY CLUCKING AWESOME POWERS, FLY FORTH!
      • [You'll have to give me a few then.]
        • [Imprisoned Poultrygeist] Hurry up!
  • [How can I understand you now?]
    • [Imprisoned Poultrygeist] Oh, we just play up the bawking. It's funny to us, I guess.

After you finish the race:

Return to the MASTER OF CLUCKS with your new knowledge!

Master of Clucks

[Master of Clucks] You survived! I can't believe you've made it back!

[I've got a text that should let us break this clucking curse!]

[Master of Clucks] How in the CLUCK did you get that?!

[The Poultrygeist! It gave it to me because the evil Motherclucker was going to de-geist him!]

[Master of Clucks] AMAZING! Well, let me take that and I'll learn the ritual! With this in hand I can break any clucking curses! You've done amazing work!

CLUCKED UP COMPLETE MTHACLUCKAS!!! HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S DAY! Awarded access to decluckifying with the Master of Clucks, access to the Get The Cluck Out race at the top of the Hawk Fortress tree to get more Jar of Clucks, access to the Pig Boss Battle for fun and glory!