The Coven

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The Coven's Fortress, built upon the Wolfswood's Tree of Life


The Coven are the primary antagonistic force in the Wolfswood, residing in an area of the woods known as the Fen. They are a group of witches founded by Hycenea whose goal was to free Harrakfar from the Blue Wool, but the council turned their back on her and imprisoned her. They are seen in Into the Woods, Of Mushrooms and Magic, A Wolf in Witch's Clothing and Scientists of Steelmeld III. They are also seen in The Grasp of Avarice, The Darkest Depths, and Coven's Gambit.

Notable members

Grandmother Laurey
Mad Molldyer
The Vedha
Lady Nalatia

Associated POIs

Witch Village
Haunted Mine
Coven Fortress
Bewitched Dominion
Locum Vernantia


The Coven is a group of witches who live in the Tree of Life. It was created by Hycenea to rescue Harrakfar, but the Council turned on her and imprisoned both of them.

The twelve members of the Council rule over the Coven, and keep a Hex over the Tree of Life that allows them to draw power from the Favor of the Wolf. The current council consists of four "main" leaders, each representing a certain element and time of day. Lady Nalatia is the mistress of night and air, with her adherents Isovel and Serafina. Grandmother Laurey is the mistress of morning and earth, with her adherents Voisin and Old Rosheen. Mad Molldyer is the mistress of noon and fire, with her adherents Ellyvere and Maddelena. The Vedha is the mistress of sundown and water, with her adherents Hecatie and Ensolla. Hycenea also had adherents of her own, these being Hedera and Sycorax, though they have long since left her in search of power.

Ravenna, where the Coven’s Gambit dungeon takes place, is the central village of the Coven and the Council leaders' covensteads, or centers of elemental power. Molldyer's is in the Jaguartooth Mountains of Kaulslund, Laurey's is resting on the crags of the Altaer Mesa, Nalatia's is above the earth near the lands of Galos, and The Vedha's is suspended above the endless expanse of the Arunara Ocean. The player infiltrates the village and destroys the covensteads during A Wolf in Witch's Clothing, freeing Hycenea and claiming the Favor of the Wolf.

The Coven witches are enemies with the Dichen, who want to reclaim the Favor of the Wolf. However, the Aradia, a secret society within the Coven, opposes the Council and are allied with the Dichen. They worship Hycenea and seek to free her from the Council's Hex over the Tree of Life, and are led by Elder Lytania.

Not much is known about the Porphyry, consisting of male members of the Coven specializing in darker, more earthen magics. Their home base is Locum Vernantia. They meet with the Mycelia during Into the Woods because the Council needed an extract only the mushroom people had, but it turned south the Mycelia attacked and poisoned Porphyry members. Quorent was one of the members who joined the meeting, and manages to grab and smash a phial of the extract but dies shortly afterwards.

In around 65 AV, a group of Coven witches conspired to set free Hycenea, led by Diantha, the Weaver of Dreams. They decided to seek out Hycenea's lost adherents Hedera and Sycorax, who had both ventured to the Celsian Isles long ago in search of mighty powers, so they created a ritual circle together to search the world for any trace of the two. Instead it ended up transporting them all to the King's Valley with no way back. Diantha made a deal with the Noble's Council member Cirillo Dauton in desperation, but this deal ultimately led to her demise at the hands of Selari Ignos and Minerva Lace, and also led to the creation of the Haunted Mines. The rest of this group reside in the Witch Village.