Cure for Insomnia

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Find the teachings of Oneiromancy in the Library of New Antium.

Coordinates: [-410 173 -123]

At the entrance to the church you meet a very old man. His hair is long and gray, and he himself is leaning on a cane.

[Ephesius] O mighty Architect, wisest of all beings, why have we incurred Your wrath? Surely this is the retribution you bestow upon our poor souls, plagued by the shadows of the tyrant?

The man quitely murmurs to himself, yet you are still able to hear him.

[Ephesius] Haven't we suffered enough already?

[Greetings, old man. What are you talking about?]

[Ephesius] Oh! Who's there? Merrel? Is that you?

He turns towards you. Despite his advanced age, he seems quite alert.

[Ephesius] You are not Merrel, I can tell that, young one. Who are you?

[I'm [Player].]

[Ephesius] Ah, a name I haven't heard before. Must be a newcomer? In that case, welcome to New Antium, [Player]. I am Ephesius, nice to meet you.

He nods, a welcoming gesture.

[Ephesius] What can I do for you, [Player]?

[I heard you mention divine punishment? What do you mean?]

[Ephesius] The very punishment brought on us by The Architect, I tell you that.

He straightens his back, as if showing you his pride.

[Ephesius] But we, Ashkii, will endure. We always do.

[I'm willing to help you, but I need to know exactly what I'm doing.]

[Ephesius] Fine, young friend, I'll let you help. Listen closely.

He makes himself comfortable in his chair and leans on his cane.

[Ephesius] For the past two months, people have been coming to me with the same complaint - their sleep is disturbed by nightmares, exhausting them and preventing them from getting a good night's rest. Initially it was just one person, but recently two more have come to me with the same problem.

[And you think it is Architect's punishment?]

[Ephesius] One of them, surely. Please, do not interrupt me, young one. So, even though I'm a cleric, I'm not at all sure how to treat these things. However, throughout my life I have heard more than once about Oneiromancy, the art of interpreting dreams. If I can find a solution anywhere, it's in the treatises that exist. I'm sure I can find something like that in our library, but I'm old, and my legs aren't what they used to be. Please, young friend, could you go there and look for me?

  • [Sorry, but I have other concerns right now.]
    • [Ephesius] Of course, of course. Let me know if you change your mind. But for now, I pray.
    • As you're about to leave, he puts the cane away and raises his hands. Then, he starts praying.

[I could do that.]

[Ephesius] Oh thank goodness! I would advise you to ask the local librarian or my student, Merrel, regarding the book. He must be in the library right now.

C: Find the teachings of Oneiromancy in the Library of New Antium.

After retrieving the book:

C: Bring the book back to Ephesius.

Coordinates: [-410 173 -123]

[Ephesius] What can I do for you, [Player]?

[I have found the book you seem to be looking for. It's old and some of the pages are missing.]

He takes the book from your hands and with unusual dexterity you wouldn't expect from a man his age. He quickly surfs through the pages.

[Ephesius] A great study, indeed... but the book barely holds itself together! I also see a lot of torn pages, just as you said.

[But you still can get a hold on Oneiromancy, right?]

[Ephesius] Considering how intermittent and incomplete the information is... I'm not so sure, my friend.

[There's nothing we can do?]

He hesitates for a few moments, and then answers.

[Ephesius] We could, but the only other place that might contain something like this is Pelias' Manor. I would never send someone deep into the Keep for a book, especially such a specific book. I can see that you want to help, but is it truly worth the risk?

[I can handle myself. After all, I traversed the Wolfswoods.]

[Ephesius] The Wolfswoods? Of course, you wouldn't get here otherwise. He is still hesitant.

[Ephesius] Fine. This may be my only chance, might as well take the risk. Go to the cursed Pelias' mansion and try to find a book related to dreams. He had a huge collection of books; I wouldn't be surprised if you could find something like that. Most likely, such things were stored in the basement of the mansion, so start there.

[Forsaken Manor, the basement. Look for a book. Got it.]

[Ephesius] Oh, and before you go, take these with you. He handles you a few potions. You'll surely need them.

C: Find another study of Oneiromancy inside the basement of the Forsaken Manor.

After retrieving the book:

C: Bring the book back to Ephesius.

Coordinates: [-410 173 -123]

[Ephesius] Do you have any questions still, [Player]?

[I have found the book, Ephesius. It seems much better preserved than the previous one, but it has someone's notes in it.]

[Ephesius] Thank goodness you came back, unharmed. Now, as for the book...

Again, he takes the book from you and examines it.

[Ephesius] So many notes... Who... Who would've needed all of these? Did someone else try to study the art of Oneiromancy? But why?..

[Does it really matter? At least this book should have the answers you seek.]

[Ephesius] You're right, young friend, it does not. While you were struggling looking for a book, I managed to learn enough from that tattered old tractate you brought me earlier. In order to keep nightmares at bay, we need to perform a special ritual. I am not, however, sure if this ritual will solve all our problems, but I want to hope. I have a suspicion we're on the right track.

[Ephesius] So, [Player], would you help me once again?

[Yes, Ephesius, what's next?]

[Ephesius] As I was saying, we need to perform a ritual. First, I need a catalyst. Any gem would do, and, luckily for you, I have that part covered. I would also need a special powder, Dusk Powder. And once again, I have all the components I need to make it, except one.

[What is it?]

[Ephesius] It's a special honeycomb wax one can find in places exposed to magic for a very long time - the Dusk Wax. This is the key ingredient, because it is what gives the powder its orange glow when used, not to mention the fact that it has a number of magical effects on its own.

[Do you happen to know where I can find it?]

[Ephesius] I am afraid not, young friend. It can be anywhere on the continent for all I know. Probably somewhere in this Wolfswood of yours. Actually, you could ask Merrel about it. He's been there way more times than I, he might know better.

C: Find the Dusk Honeycomb on the Architect's Ring. Merrel may know more.

Coordinates: [-497 181 -115]

[Merrel] Hm? Oh, [Player], it's you. Did Ephesius send you here again?

[Yes. I'm looking for Dusk Wax. Ephesius told me you may know where to find it.]

[Merrel] Oh, that's quite the task... You won't find it anywhere in the Keep, I'm absolutely certain. The woods below The Keep is a different story, however... You surely saw the giant tree on your way up here? If only you could find a bee nest somewhere nearby... perhaps at the roots? Yes, that would be my best guess.

Coordinates: [-549 74 -485]

C: Bring Dusk Honeycomb back to Ephesius.

Coordinates: [-410 173 -123]

[Ephesius] Greetings, [Player]. What can I do for you?

[I brought you the honeycomb. I assume you can carve the wax yourself?]

[Ephesius] Yes and thank you, young friend. Your help is truly appreciated. We are almost there. Now, give me some time to make the powder.

He takes the honeycomb from your hands and slowly reaches into the drawer and pulls out a mortar and a small bowl.

[Ephesius] When I finish making the powder, you need to perform the ritual on your own. Wish I could help you, but I can't leave the city, nor do I wish to.

As you wait nearby, he starts talking again, still at work.

[What do I need to do, exactly?]

[Ephesius] It's simple - just follow a list of instructions I'll give you. But please, pay attention. You have to do exactly as I say. Should you fail, I still have a bit of surplus of the powder left, but I hope it won't come to that.

He's almost done, it seems.

[Ephesius] There we go, [Player]. Take the gem, powder and instructions. Remember - you must do exactly as I said at the middle of the lake just outside the city. I'll pray for your success.

C: Preform a ritual at the middle of the Lake in The Keep. Should you fail, talk with Ephesius.

Step 1: Stand on a boat at -425 174 77.
Step 2: Hold the Twilight Amethyst given to you and click while looking up. Chose Spirits of bluest waves option.
Step 3: Left-click with the powder and select to strew it over the gemstone.
Step 4: Crouch and left click the Amethyst while looking down into the water. Offer the gemstone.
Step 5: Then look up and click with the new item given to you. Select the Spirits of the night sky option.
Step 6: Chose "bask in the glory of moonlight."
Step 7: Again click with the new item given to you while looking at the moon (East). Select "I ask thee of your precious light, o divine!"
Step 8: Click with the crystal and select these options:
[O spirits of heaven and spirits of water, I offer thee the purest of light]
[and bow before thee for the opportunity to adore the bright divine, illuminating this very earth.]
[I beg thee, o spirits, clear the mind of thy humble servants.]

After completing the ritual:

And... Nothing.

You come to your senses. There is only darkness all around you, but you hear a barely discernible noise. It is everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

[What... Where am I? What's happening?]

The noise suddenly gets louder, almost deafening you. There is only noise all around, and nothing but noise. For some reason you're still holding the Stone Ephesius gave you.

Noise everywhere. Not just in the dark, but inside you. It's like it's ripping you apart from the inside. You fall to your knees. Before you pass out again, you see a silhouette. With the last of your strength, you're trying to keep your eyes open.

Whatever it is, it slowly turns its head toward you. However, you are unable to maintain eye contact anymore. A cacophony of sounds envelops you, and darkness covers your eyes. Then, just as suddenly, all the sounds stop and the light shines in.

You open your eyes and find yourself inside the... Gallery? Whatever happened just now, something tells you that wherever this place is, it's probably not real.


Awarded Stone of Dreams and Access to the Gallery of Fear!

Note: Bring the Stone of Dream to Markus, the rogue charm trader, to unlock the Sanguine Halls.