Gallery of Fear

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Gallery of Fear is an instanced endless challenge in the Architect's Ring. Up to four players may participate. Waves of mobs will spawn, becoming more powerful as more waves are cleared.


There are currently two Gallery maps: Sanguine Halls and Marina Noir. The same Gallery of Fear key, which can be purchased for 48 Archos Ring, is used to enter either map.

Any Gallery map can be played with 1-4 people. The number of mobs per wave will remain the same regardless of the number of players, but their health and damage will be scaled to the number of players in the instance.

Upon entering the game, each player will receive a Gallery Brochure. Right-clicking with this gallery brochure will display the number of mobs that will spawn in the round, the number of mobs that have spawned, the number of mobs killed, the round number, and the coins the team has received.

During each wave, a certain number of mobs will spawn. These mobs come out of the walls at specific points marked by crying obsidian. Killing all mobs remaining will automatically begin the next wave. If a mob has not been killed in the past 60 seconds, the message "The Nightmare has noticed you. An infestation emerges from the canvas." will appear in chat, and several Nightmare Infestations (glowing black wither skeletons) will spawn. These Nightmare Infestations are not considered part of the active wave, and a new wave will start if all other mobs are killed regardless of whether the Infestations are still alive.

When a player is killed, they are not immediately kicked out of the instance; rather, they are put in a separate "death room". A grave is placed at their death location, which disappears after about 30 seconds. Players will be revived if a live player crouches next to their grave for approximately 10-15 seconds, or automatically revived at the start of a new wave. If a player is not revived within 30 seconds, they are immediately sent to the lootroom.

At the start, all players only have access to one room. Clearing waves will grant "points" (referred to as "coins" by the Gallery Brochure), which are used for various things. Opening a door to another room costs 1000 points. Opening the mystery box, which grants a random Gallery "utility item", costs 400 points. Various buffs can be purchased at different points around the map for varying amounts of points. The Mechanical Armory (unrelated to the Epic of the same name), found in Marina Noir, allows players to buy specific utility items at a significantly higher cost than rolling a random one from the mystery box.

Each map has an "easter egg" or "secret" route that can be performed. This generally requires a series of hidden steps to be done, which will eventually bring the players to a boss arena. Defeating the boss gives players an extra 20% loot and a special trophy in the lootroom, and grants access to a trade for a unique rare. After defeating the boss, players are put back in the map and may continue playing.


Upon completion of the quest Cure for Insomnia, the player will be teleported to the Gallery of Fear lobby, unlocking the fast travel from the Galengarde teleport hub. However, no Gallery maps are available by default, and must be unlocked separately. Unlocking any Gallery map requires the Stone of Dreams, which is given to the player during the quest.

  • To unlock the Sanguine Halls, the player must talk to Markus, Silver Swordsman, located at [-167, 100, -355] in Pelias' Keep.
  • To unlock Marina Noir, the player must talk to Levyn, either in the Masquerader's Ruin lobby or in Galengarde. Completion of Masquerader's Ruin is required to unlock the map.

Utility Items

Utility items can be obtained from the mystery box. The mystery box will appear at one of the end portal frames around the map, and has a chance to move to another location after each roll. At the mystery box, players can spend 400 points to obtain a random item from the list below. All utility items are unbreakable.


Note: All values given are for a single piece. All pieces in a set have the same stats.

Item Stats Enchantments
Slasher's Hood, Robe, Belt, Binds 7 armor, 7 agility, +50% attack damage, +10% speed Melee Protection 2
Dreamwalker's Eyes, Heart, Knees, Ankles 7 armor, 7 agility, +40% projectile damage, +10% speed Projectile Protection 2
Insightful Hood, Robes, Pants, Brogues 7 armor, 7 agility, +40% magic damage, +10% speed Magic Protection 2
Dream Beast Skull, Torso, Pelvis, Claws 10.5 armor, 10.5 agility, 2 knockback resistance, 2 thorns


Item Type Stats Enchantments
Dawn's End mainhand sword 18 damage, 1.6 attack speed Sweeping Edge 2, Sustenance 2, Second Wind 2, and Stamina 1
Rivers of Blood mainhand sword 17 damage, 1.6 attack speed Sweeping Edge 2, Quake 2, Decay 2, and Bleeding 2
Silent Night axe 25 damage, 1 attack speed Ice Aspect 3, Life Drain 2, and Quake 1
Horrific Lullaby axe 23 damage, 1 attack speed Arcane Thrust 4 and Adrenaline 2
The Watcher bow 34 damage, 2 projectile speed Thunder Aspect 10, Wind Aspect 1, and Infinity
Heart Stopper crossbow 29.5 damage, 2 projectile speed Piercing 10, Ice Aspect 2, and Infinity
Ravenclaws crossbow 14.5 damage, 1 projectile speed Quick Charge 4, Bleeding 2, Multishot, and Infinity
Tome of Epiphany wand (book) 14 damage, 1.8 attack speed, +100% spell power Fire Aspect 3, Thunder Aspect 3, Arcane Thrust 3, and Inferno 3
Shard of the Dreamer wand (amethyst shard) 10 damage, 4 attack speed, +100% spell power Magic Protection 2, Ice Aspect 2, Trivium 1, and Aptitude 1
Midday Harbinger scythe 23 damage, 0.9 attack speed Fire Aspect 2, Earth Aspect 1, Quake 2
Envoy of Dreams scythe 14 damage, 2 attack speed Inferno 3, Trivium 2, Thunder Aspect 2
Nightbarb Flask alchemical utensil 15 potion damage, 3 potion radius, 1.5 projectile speed, +4 thorns, +20% speed Trivium 1


Item Type Stats Enchantments
Eye of the Raven shield 7 armor, 7 agility, 4 max health, 2 knockback resistance Regeneration 1
Nox Sacramentum offhand sword 6 armor, 6 agility, +60% attack speed Regicide 3, Regeneration 1
Ornamental Dream Catcher offhand sword 4 armor, 4 agility, 10 max health Aptitude 1, Triage 4, Regeneration 1
Nightmare Conqueror offhand sword 5.5 armor, 5.5 agility, +50% attack damage, +20% attack speed Regeneration 1, Life Drain 1
Dreamer's Fang offhand (stick) 5.5 armor, 5.5 agility, +45% projectile damage, +25% projectile speed, +15% speed Regeneration 1, Second Wind 1
Somnus Tractate offhand (book) 5.5 armor, 5.5 agility, +40% magic damage Aptitude 2, Regeneration 1