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Assist in retrieving The Ishnir Trade's goods

Coordinates: [222, 95, 30]

[Safar] Hmm... Are you, by any chance, [Player]?

  • [Uh, stranger danger!]
    • [Safar] Fine, the Trade didn't need your help anyways...

[Yeah... How do you know my name?]

[Safar] I have heard tale of your good deeds from Riaz in Rahkeri...

[Oh, it wasn't a big deal. Helping people is what I do.]

[Safar] Good, good... Well, the Trade requires your assistance. In a matter of business...

He darts his eyes back and forth to make sure no-one is watching...

  • [I'm actually quite preoccupied at the moment.]
    • [Safar] Figures...

[Okay...What do you guys need help with?]

[Safar] Well you see, a client of ours is refusing to act on his end of a deal. We require you to retrieve our goods from him...

C: Ask Safar what The Trade wants with you.


[Safar] Are you ready to begin?

  • [No, I'm busy at the moment.]
    • [Safar] Return to me once you're free...

[Yes, where should I go to retrieve your items?]

[Safar] A house towards the outskirts here has a basement, in that basement you should find our goods. Return them to us... Be careful [Player] - I am unsure what security measures the client has.

He gives you a swift nod.

C: Search for the client's house in Molta, once inside find the basement access hatch. Solve the puzzle and get the message inside.

C: Return to Safar to see if he can decode the message.


[Safar] Have you found the Ishnir Trade's goods?

[Unfortunately not - the client didn't have them in his basement. However, he did have this.]

[Safar] Let me see that...

He examines the book closely.

[So, does that help?]

[Safar] Yes, it helps tremendously, actually. This is an encoded set of coordinates to a location where our client has hidden a stash of supplies.

He looks up from the book.

[Oh! So where do they lead?]

[Safar] They appear to lead to an area named the "Magmashroom Mines". Look for some exposed stone bricks, which might indicate where the stash is.

[I'm on it!]

[Safar] Good luck, [Player].

C: [1/2]: Travel to Magmashroom Mines in order to find the client's stash. Be on the lookout for stone bricks.

C: [2/2]: Once you have the stash return to Safar.


[Safar] So, have you retrieved the items?

[You bet!]

[Safar] Fantastic! [Player], you have been a great help to the Ishnir Trade. We will not forget what you have done to help us...

He smiles at you.

[No problem!]

[Safar] We believe a reward is in order: here, take this... The Amulet here will allow you to be recognized by my superior.


Awarded the Amulet of the Trade and the trust of the Ishnir Trade!