Depths Charge

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Coordinates: [-91, 96, 3328]

[Rhygfar] The living... On the Mist...? This be not one of the signs...

[Who are you?]

[Rhygfar] I am the eyes of the Deep. I am the voice of the Deep. I speak for the God that will take this world and grant us life anew. You are nothing but a pawn.

[I don't agree.]

[Rhygfar] She cares not if you agree. She only cares that you sink when she calls.

[Who? The God of the Deep?]

[Rhygfar] You do not even know her name. You are nothing.

  • [I don't care.]
    • [Rhygfar] Nor does she.

[Then tell me.]

[Rhygfar] Surely you have heard the end chimes. You best become a Seeker if you wish to truly know more.


[Rhygfar] Follow the trail of Those Who Left Before. Lieutenant Davey and his crew of deserters. They dropped the anchor that holds this ship in place. They broke free from the grasp of the Black Mist and vanished into the Depths. That is Her realm now.

[That sounds concerning.]

[Rhygfar] You must follow, [Player]. She waits. You must sink now, to the bottom of the sea below this ship and follow him.

  • [I can't do that.]
    • [Rhygfar] You can. You must.

[Okay, why not. You've intrigued me.]

C: [1/3]: If you leave The Black Mist, return to the ship to continue your quest.

C: [2/3]: Defuse Davey's seas mines left behind.

C: [3/3]: If you left The Minefield, return to it to continue your quest.

Molding Boards at [-120, 10, 3317]

Once there talk to Herman:

Herman (The Minefield)
Coordinates: [-499, 148, 2630]

[Herman] Yarr... ye be one of the livin'. Are ye seekin' Davey himself or have ye just stumbled into these cursed depths?

  • [Just stumbling, thanks.]
    • [Herman] Yarr.
  • [Can you get me out of here?]
    • [Herman] Sure.

[I'm following the trail he left behind.]

[Herman] She left 'im a path ta the breach ye see. But Davey went an' left behind Mines ta stop folks from followin'. If ye truly seek Her, ye'll need ta turn 'em off.

[How do I do that?]

[Herman] Operate tha machine an' flag all the Mines ye can find. Tha numbers'll tell ye how many are in a square around it. If ye trip a Mine tho', ye'll have ta start over or ye'll explode when ye go outside.

After solving the minesweeper puzzle:

[Herman] Yarr, ye did it!

C: [1/2]: Reach the end of The Minefield to follow Davey's path.

C: [2/2]: If you left The Minefield, return to it to continue your quest.

After running through The Minefield:

C: Welcome to the Breachpoint. Maybe someone inside can help you out?

Captain Verne
Coordinates: [-735, 4, -161]

[Captain Verne] Hail, stranger, welcome to Breachpoint. What are you doing here?

[I've been following the trail of a Lieutenant Davey of the Black Mist and it led me here.]

[I'm just looking around.]

  • [Captain Verne] Aye, fair enough.

[I've been following the trail of a Lieutenant Davey of the Black Mist and it led me here.]

[Captain Verne] The Breach, aye. Someone used it to travel into the Depths. Must have been your Lieutenant. We can't use it, as just further in it's all booby-trapped with sea mines, and this submarine here is too big to navigate through.

[So what do I do?]

[Captain Verne] You'll have to find another crack in the sea floor that we can use the sub to enter through! It'd help us and help you as well, eh?

Finding a Breach Point: Locate one of the breach points found on the sea floor!

Quest compass points to [259, 26, 1503].

After reaching the Darkest Depths lobby:

[Mittens] Ah yes, the hero arrives... *Meow*!

C: [1/2]: Welcome to the Breachpoint. Maybe someone inside can help you out?

C: [2/2]: Speak to Mittens?!

Coordinates: [-1414, 107, -1308]

[Mittens] Yesssss... hello. She has seen your approach. I am the herald of the Depths, Seeker. You have found it.

[Found what?]

[Mittens] The site of her glorious approach. She has been slowly breaking through for so long. At last, the Veil parts and she is being welcomed inside.

[She is not welcome here.]

[Mittens] Her Gyrhaeddant Nucleus is entering the world and there is no way to stop it. You may enter the Depths. If you are worthy, you can witness her entrance. Hedera and Davey will not make it easy though. *Meeeeow!*

The cat begins to vomit.

DEPTHS CHARGE COMPLETE! Awarded a Darkest Depths Key