Dive Into Dissonance, Vol. 6

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Dive Into Dissonance, Vol. 6 is a book that can be found in the final "dissonant" section of the Harmonic Arboretum. It is the sixth and final book written by Brother Pekom, a member of the Arboretum, following Vol. 5.


I'm... running out of time...

It seems this world has finally taken its grasp upon my soul...

I can feel myself slipping away, as my skin becomes numb and my vision tunnels.

I must... write down one last thing that the creature told me... before it expired its time with me...

When they arrived in this place, when they found... what was inside...

One of its countless brothers took hold of it... It morphed into... something much more than it once was...

It was a monster among monsters... And since it was connected to that... thing...

Such a powerful creature having indirect control of Dissonance...

It's what was speaking to me... It used Dissonance's eternal connection to Harmony to... to speak through the rift between worlds...

My people... he speaks to them all now...