Ethereal Entrapment

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The blasted spirit of Xanqu, the fallen "hero" of Mapleroot will not leave me alone! The arriving Axtans are already an issue and now I have to deal with a ghost over my shoulder at every waking moment. It's maddening!

This nuisance needs to be dealt with so I will be dedicating this log to finding a solution.

Entry 1

Of course the first thing I had to try was to task a demon to deal with the problem. This failed.

Entry 2

I've collected some of the most powerful reagents I know of from around the grove, and although I was able to faze the ghost slightly with Wormwood Oil, it simply retreated to recover. I'm going to have to contain the threat before pursuing this any further.

Entry 3

After delving deep within some of my dustier tomes, I think I've found a material that can bring the spirit to a complete halt. I've sent several demons into the Undergrowth to retrieve the wood I need.

Entry 4

I believe I've done it! By constructing a small ritual table out of the Ancient Wyrmwood from the Undergrowth I've trapped Xanqu. Now to perform a few experiments before eliminating him once and for all...