Exalted Dungeons

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Exalted Dungeons are Dungeons in Monumenta in the Architect's Ring that can be found in the Exalted Hall. These are special versions of Dungeons that are a copy of Dungeons from previous regions, but reworked for multiple changes to fit the Ring, such as being able to use Architect's Ring gear as well as having stronger mobs and a boss that drops a Pulsating Diamond.


The loot in Exalted Dungeons chests are slightly different from regular dungeons. Even with no delve modifiers active, there is still a small chance to get Epic Crafting materials in chests from their respective dungeon. Rares are also replaced by Silver Dust, which are instead obtained by speaking to the Rare Trader outside the dungeon entrance in the Exalted Hall, and trading 4 Epic Crafting Materials and a Pulsating Diamond for a specific rare. These rares have the same name as their previous counterparts, but often are buffed and have the ability to be Masterworked and are counted as Architect's Ring gear.


Each Dungeon has a boss near the end of the dungeon which drops a Pulsating Diamond on death.

The Halls of Wind and Blood has a Wither near the head of the Quetzalcoatl, which is called Soul Tempest.

The Fallen Menagerie has an Iron Golem guarding the exit of the Dungeon, which is called Winged Titan. It has an ability where it fires a laser that deals a high amount of damage to the player and can only be avoided by hiding behind a block

The Black Willows has a Worm just outside the ending tree, which is called Veiltorn Helminth and sometimes summons mobs. Additionally, the Mimic in Willows is now a Greater Mimic with the ability to summon Elder Mimic elites with chests as heads.

The Plagueroot Temple has a Wither Skeleton just after the final water part, which is called C'Vaatk, the Soulblighter. It has low HP but can heal itself to max HP every once in a while.


Exalted Rares used to be fragmentable, however they only gave a fragment from their respective King's Valley Counterpart. This trade was highly undesirable and had no reason to be made, so they later were made unfragmentable.