Exalted Knight Reynart

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Exalted Knight Reynart is a NPC in Exalted Dungeon lobby located in the Benevolent Reverie that explains the Exalted Dungeons and has no trades.
After the first completion of each exalted dungeon he will have new dialogue.


Exalted Knight Reynart

[Exalted Knight Reynart] Hail friend! Once more we meet; our goals align yet another day.

  • [Hello Reynart, what are you doing here?]
    • [Exalted Knight Reynart] I seek the source of the darkness of dreams that I have been sensing for many moons. Over time, my journey brought me to a strange gate in the Arunara Ocean, below a massive crumbling tower. When I stepped through, I found myself in the Architect's Ring. My search soon brought me to this strange place.
    • [That was my next question... Where is here?]
    • [Exalted Knight Reynart] Here is The Gallery. It seems to be a strange display of important dreams and nightmares. There is a Collector out there somewhere in these wings... She knows something. I seek her in these strange places.
    • [What can I do to help?]
    • [Exalted Knight Reynart] Conquer these exalted nightmares. Before us are gateways into wings of the Gallery. They are familiar to you and I. Perhaps we will find more within, together.
  • [Who are you again?]
    • [Exalted Knight Reynart] I am a seeker of light, much like you are. There is something lurking in the darkness of dreams. I have followed it here, to this place between waking and sleep. I seek those who have experienced much who can help me search into those dreams and push back the forces I have found. Will you join me?
  • [What can you tell me about what I can experience here?]
    • [Exalted Knight Reynart] This is the Exalted Wing of this strange ethereal Gallery. Step into the displays before us and you will find yourself in familiar dungeons, changed by their exposure to darkness... A dream-state made real.
    • [Are there any rewards?]
    • [Exalted Knight Reynart] Ah, yes. The greed was not inherent to the place, but to thee. I see. Yes, there are rewards for you to claim should you find the information I seek.
  • [Can we talk about the Exalted Dungeons and what we've discovered?]
    • [Exalted Knight Reynart] Which of your journeys into the exalted dreams do you wish to discuss?
      • [Let's talk about the Exalted King's Valley dungeons.]
        • [Exalted Knight Reynart] Go on.
        • [I conquered the Exalted Halls of Wind and Blood, but I didn't feel like I learned anything new.]
          • [Exalted Knight Reynart] You may not have, dear hero, but I have. She was here while you were dreaming.
          • [She?]
          • [Exalted Knight Reynart] I told you of her before, the Collector. A shadowy tapestry dancing across the floor of the Gallery. She was not to be seen, but there was a presence. A weight felt at the corner of vision. A breathing in the ear with no lungs to operate. She has taken notice of our visit, [Player]. We must dream the next dream...
          • [What is she going to do to us?]
          • [Exalted Knight Reynart] I fear I do not know the answers. All we can do is find out, wouldn't you say?
        • [I conquered the Exalted Fallen Menagerie. Things were different, but not too different.]
          • [Exalted Knight Reynart] While you slept, you spoke.
          • [I did?! What was I saying?]
          • [Exalted Knight Reynart] She spoke softly through thy slumbering maw, and with her words, small golden wisps emerged from you, hanging above thy frame. Her words were repeated over and over until you began to stir.
          • [And what were those words, Reynart?]
          • [Exalted Knight Reynart] "Something deeper has broken. Those who seek to enter will find another way. I alone can fix this. I alone can bear this pain."
        • [I conquered the Exalted Plagueroot Temple. Things were mostly as I remember, but the creatures changed.]
          • [Exalted Knight Reynart] Something shifted while you were away. A brush descending upon this place.
          • [What do you mean?]
          • [Exalted Knight Reynart] Like a canvas, She has added a new stroke. Do you see them too? The man standing out in the rotunda?
          • [Uh, maybe?]
          • [Exalted Knight Reynart] I want to speak to them. Or try, perhaps. Whatever is allowed here. You should too.
        • [I conquered the Exalted Arcane Rivalry. I'm not sure it was a battle between two forces anymore, just all directed at me.]
          • [Exalted Knight Reynart] I worry the Collector has taken proper notice of us now. Whatever she does now will have meaning for us. She has taken another brush to the tapestry this time.
          • [Neither do I. You call her the Collector, but I feel like she's creating something instead.]
          • [Exalted Knight Reynart] She's tried to communicate with us before. I did not understand what the messages she left us meant. Yet the creatures she's sent to you are clearly hostile. What does she seek? What does she wish us to find?
          • [I hope we can find out. We're getting closer to the end of the Valley's encounters. She seems to be more lucid each time she's spoken.]
          • [Exalted Knight Reynart] If only for a moment. Then deeper still we must dig. The Gallery holds many secrets...
        • [I conquered the Exalted Vernal Nightmare. It seemed mostly as it was before, but even more hostile towards me]
          • [Exalted Knight Reynart] More hostile, you say? Certainly that would match up with my own experiences here while you were away.
          • [What happened?]
          • [Exalted Knight Reynart] A voice, from all around. No clear source, yet the speaker was clear. She had a demand to make.
          • [A demand? What did she say?]
          • [Exalted Knight Reynart] "Listen, you who lurk but are not seen. Great power has been lost and sought and stolen in these places. Is it you? Reveal yourselves."
          • [Oh. Well, we can't do that yet. Who knows what she'd do to us?]
          • [Exalted Knight Reynart] Indeed, that is what I was thinking as well. It is certainly worrying that She is drawing nearer... and yet, we press on.
        • [I conquered the Exalted Black Willows. The creatures there were vastly different. Stranger, more powerful.]
          • [Exalted Knight Reynart] Yes, that would make sense following the others. I have nothing to report from the time you were away, but- {...}
          • [???] ...Interlopers...
          • [What was that?]
          • [???] Interlopers. Grave danger awaits you. You draw ever nearer to discovery. Nothing will save you from that wrath. {...}
          • [Exalted Knight Reynart] ...
          • [That can't be good.]
          • [Exalted Knight Reynart] Indeed it isn't. It seems we have been properly noticed, and it does not bode well for us.
          • [What do we do now?]
          • [Exalted Knight Reynart] The only thing we can do. We continue to search. There must be something in this gallery that will aid us in our quest. We need only find it first.

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