External Corruption

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Enter the Exalted Malevolent Reverie and learn the truth of the distortions.

SpoilerBanner.png Warning. This section contains spoilers. You may wish to postpone reading further until you've played the related content.

To find the starting npc:

Hovering over the [!] in the quest guide dialogue for the quest gives "/exaltedreveriemonumenta".

/exaltedreveriemonumenta can be added to the end of the monumenta website url to get a page with binary.


00101110 01001110 10000110 01110110 10011110 10100110 01001010 00000100 11110110 00101110 00000100 11001110 10110110 10000110 10100110 01001110 00100010 00000100 01100110 11110110 00000100 10100110 01110110 11110110 00101110 11001010 00000100 11101100

The binary is backwards.

The correct binary is:
00110111 00100000 01010011 01110100 01101111 01101110 01100101 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01000100 01110010 01100101 01100001 01101101 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01010010 01100101 01111001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01110100

Which when translated to ASCII is:
"7 Stone of Dreams to Reynart"

To start the quest have 7 Stone of Dreams in your inventory while talking to Exalted Knight Reynart.

More Stone of Dreams can be bought from Ephesius in New Antium (-410, 174, -123) for 16 ar each.

Exalted Knight Reynart
Exalted Lobby Coordinates: [-3024, 139, -1137]

See External Corruption/Dialogue#Beginning the Quest

After starting the quest you must talk to the 6 npcs scattered around Exalted Reverie and solve each of the puzzles. Each puzzle results in an item, or a specific number of a specific item, that must be taken to Exalted Knight Reynart.

Puzzle 1 (Elcard Cross):

[Elcard Cross]

Located at: -1358 47 2183 (Lab entrance)

The dialogue decoded:
[Elcard Cross] The screams of the damned make such a beautiful music.

The Monumenta Labs theme holds secrets:

There are multiple morse codes hidden in the sound track.

0:20 -..-. --.
1:10 -..- -
1:20 ..--- -....
2:36 - -..-
3:49 --.- -...
4:06 .- -.--

All together, they translate to /gxt26txqbay.

Use the found text as a youtube url:

The code "wnmsfhu toyh" is flashed multiple times, and the video shows a spot in Labs to head to.

The code can be decoded via Vigenere cipher with the key being "DREAM" to get: Twisted Pome

Put what you've got together.

Bring 4 Twisted Pomes to the hidden NPC in the Alchemy Labs dungeon at -866 113 1190 and receive 1 Inert Mixture. (NOTE: You must left-click Elcard in Exalted Reverie before opening the Labs instance, or the NPC will be inaccessible.)

Puzzle 2 (Kianna Calder):

[Kianna Calder]

Located at: -1344 107 2383 (Vargos room)

The dialogue decoded:
[Kianna Calder] Ah, such studious souls, deep in the hard work in their classes.

There are 8 special elites in the Academy.

Each of the elites have a spell that is a parallel to a skill for the class of that room the elite is in. Swift Cut, Magma Shield, Vicious Combo, Alchemical Artillery, Frenzy, Sancified Armor, Sanguine Harvest, Havoc

If you go to the Sierhaven academy and step on the pressureplate for each of the listed skills you get:

swift cut -------t-------e-------
Magma Shield: -------m-------r-------
Vicious combo: -------n-------u-------
alchemical artillery -------o-------b-------
Frenzy: -------3-------o-------
sancified armor -------h-------e-------
sanguine harvest -------s-------m-------
Havoc -------e-------r-------

This can be rearranged to 3 Tenebre Mushroom.

Tenebre Mushrooms can be found in Fungus Thorn Cave.

Puzzle 3 (Octavius):


Located at: -1241 48 2411 (Bazaar)

The dialogue decoded:
[Octavius] The bridges... 313066655494438922


Get 2 Ghastroots from Arcanic Rivalry (note that you cannot get Ghastroots in exalted Arcanic Rivalry, only the normal r1 one drops it). The coordinates for the chest is -1368 209 599.

Puzzle 4 (Isadora Narsen):

[Isadora Narsen]

Located at: -1354 59 2146 (Castle guild)

The dialogue decoded:
[Isadora Narsen] You'll need to really use your head hero. Or at least something worn on it.

There's a helmet in the same room called "Cryptic Breaker".

Make sure the helmet is undyed.
Craft the helmet with 1xLight gray & 1xBrown (One crafting recipe)
Craft the helmet with 4xWhite + 1xMagenta + 1xBlue + 1xPink. (One crafting recipe)

Puzzle 5 (Vincent Vanderbilt):

[Vincent Vanderbilt]

Located at: -1412 50 2307 (Apartment 1F right)

The dialogue decoded:
[Vincent Vanderbilt] Vincent really outdid himself with this system, he made it all the way to a nightmare.

Check the apartment rooms area where the lower apartment key is.

Solution: Certain apartments have red concrete powder instead of red wool.
The apartment numbers being: 506, 611, 111, 124, 620, 524, 204, 327, 309, 701, 711, 402

Check each apartment you've found located under The Apartments building in Sierhaven.

Solution: Each apartment has a letter/Number: TNDAROUT8RUT
This can be re-arranged to 8 Tundra Trout. Which you can get from fishing in R2

Puzzle 6 (Cirillo Dauton):

[Cirillo Dauton]

Located at: -1191 50 2270 (Highwatch lobby)

The dialogue decoded:
[Cirillo Dauton] The seas have been replaced with the fury of fire. There was once a passage here.

The Harbingers...

The Harbingers' shields are Nautical codes.
The shields spell out VALGUS.

Get Valgus's Skull from the lever puzzle on top of academy in Reverie (near -1320 120 2390) using the combination (from Left, to Middle, to Right: Up Down Down Up / Up Up Down Down / Up Down Down Down).

After collecting the six items, bring them to Exalted Knight Reynart. Speaking to him while holding each item will transform it into another item required for the quest. After that, bring the 6 items to the Transmogrifier at -1172 55 2271 in Exalted Reverie, throw them into the pit, then hit the button behind the painting to get a Darkened Gloomstone. Bring this back to Exalted Reynart.

Exalted Knight Reynart
Exalted Lobby Coordinates: [-3024, 139, -1137]

See External_Corruption/Dialogue#Items

Head to the Sierhaven Teleport building and go down the stairs at -1376 57 2347, then break through the nether wart blocks at -1337 49 2346 to find a ladder. Go down and talk to the NPC for a cutscene.

Exalted Malevolent Reverie, Coordinates: [-1326, 33, 2346]

See External_Corruption/Dialogue#Within_the_Exalted_Reverie and External_Corruption/Dialogue#The_Nightmare


The original first step for finding the starting NPC was killing mobs in Exalted Reverie. Mobs would have a chance to drop "suspicious blocks", labeled with two numbers and a letter.
The numbers could be used to place the letters on a grid that would spell out the repeating phrase "addmonumentatotheend".
When the letters were colored in as black and the empty spaces as white, a QR code would be shown giving the needed information.