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Exodus is a book written by the senechal of the followers of Aurora, regarding their departure from the Argone mages in the Arcane Rivalry. It is one of several books that can be found on lecterns throughout the Bastion of Spires, alongside Xanatull, Lost, and Eternal.


The Argone Scholars have made their decision. A new Pledgemage shall be sent out of the time lock today seeking a way to free them from their prison of their own design. But we are not of the Scholars any longer. Today, we plan to announce ourselves as the Aurians, and leave before the Pledgemage can step through the Curtain. We can no longer support this pointless war. The loss of life to the filthy Bastion below is only prolonged by the Argone leadership's refusal to break free and let the rest of the world help. Clearly the Magic below is more important than our lives. Now is the time to leave for good. Aurora will guide us to our new home. She calls it Xanatull, the "Place of Many Stars". I cannot wait to see these 'stars'. Aurora tells such lovely stories of what they looked like, back when we were still free. If all goes to plan and we break free from the stranglehold the Argone leadership holds, the whole sky will be mine to behold. What a night it will be...