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Xanatull is a book written by the senechal of the followers of Aurora about their journey to the Bastion of Spires and Cloud Piercer. It is one of several books that can be found on lecterns throughout the Bastion, alongside Exodus, Lost, and Eternal.


Everything has gone according to plan. The Pledgemage is dead, but the Aurians? We have been freed. Aurora herself has spent the last several nights communing with the stars above and sharing the knowledge of the skies with the rest of our group. She tells us of Xanatull again, and that the skies will guide us to our new home. There are others living amongst the trees now, a people who were not here when the Argone Scholars first entered their tower out of time. They speak a language we do not, but don't seem to be aggressive to us yet. Aurora said the stars have told her they will not harm us as long as we continue travelling away from their territory.

It has been several months since I have last brought quill to parchment. Tomorrow, Aurora says, we will arrive at Xanatull. These months of travel have been dull and tedious, frought with nothingness and walking. Few creatures dare approach us, with the power Aurora wields. As we crested a nearby hill, a massive swath of water spread before us. We had reached the Sea of Stars. Aurora spoke up. "Xanatull awaits, just out on the water. I shall conjure us a path and we shall arrive at our new home." She stretched out a hand, and stepped out onto the waves. Her feet hit the sea foam and remained there, as if she was stepping onto land. Swiftly, we followed.

Later that day we saw the spire rising above the world. It seemed to pierce even the clouds. It would be our home. Aurora told us she had no idea how long it had been there, but it predated even the Argone Scholars. We would need to make repairs and clear out any pests lurking within. It was time to get to work.