Flock and Key

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Akema (Rooster Den)

[Akema] Hello [Player], I take it you're interested in continuing our partnership?

  • [No, not right now.]
    • [Akema] Ok, please speak to me when you can. This mission is of utmost importance.

[Yep, I'm all ears]

[Akema] With the map complete, we now know the site of what we've been looking for. We've been tracking rumors of an artifact that we believe could be instrumental in stopping the horrible attacks on Nightroost once and for all. It's in an abandoned Magehunter stronghold, previously hidden by enchantments broken by us owning the map. Our scouts have warned us that the Crown is heading there too, so we'll have to act fast. Can I count on you? (Make sure to have 4 empty inventory slots)

[Of course.]

[Akema] Good luck on your journey. Fly high.

C: Follow the map to the find the stronghold.

Coordinates: -822, 82, 520

Once you reach the stronghold:

C: Find a way into the inner chamber.

Hit the 3 buttons until the handle is Bone + Blackstone + lapis, the blade is Ice, and the pedestal is Ice+Stone.

C: Find the artifact.

Loot a recoil crossbow from the Dead Adventurer.

[Leon] Looks like it's time to put your recoil skills to the test! I'll see you on the other side [Player]!

Then you can either follow the purple carpet along the left wall or the right wall. Hitting magma blocks/lava will cause you to restart.

[Leon] Well this is some seriously trippy magic... You might wanna make sure you can see it all. It might help you work out where to go!

Next you need to have particles on. You must jump and recoil across the 2x2 squares where there looks to be platforms.

[Leon] I'm... gonna head back out the front door I think. There's this rumbling... Anyway, you just head across that moving platform. Try not to fall or get incinerated, okay?

Next you need to ride the iron platform while moving around the lava and half way through you need to go around an obstacle via the honeycomb blocks.

Finally you have another iron block section where you need to use the recoil bow to jump around the lava and get back onto the platforms.

After you open the chest that has the artifact you get launched out of the volcano.

C: Return to Akema with the artifact.

Akema (Rooster Den)

[Akema] Welcome back, [Player]. How did the mission go?

[Well before I got BLOWN OUT OF A VOLCANO I managed to pick up a few items.]

[Akema] How did you survive...? You know what, it doesn't matter. Did you find what we're looking for?

[I was able to get a pickaxe and some strange looking key. Are either of these what you were looking for?]

[Akema] I think so. That key... That seems like exactly what we need right now. You can keep that Pickaxe as a trophy of your adventures!

[Okay, thanks.]

[Akema] We'll be in contact again soon, thanks again for the help.

FLOCK AND KEY COMPLETE! Awarded Notched Pickaxe.