Godspore Cutting

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Godspore Cutting is a rare (1/20) drop from a cache from beating The Godspore. Right-clicking it in your hand will prompt a random dialogue from it and having it in your inventory when talking to certain npcs or conquering certain Architect's Ring pois will prompt a dialogue.


An offshoot of the Godspore, cut off from its network. Though harmless, its dissatisfaction with its current state is evident.

Right-click Dialogue

The Godspore is sulking.

The Godspore is looking around at your surroundings.

The Godspore is deep in thought.

The Godspore is ignoring you.

You can feel the Godspore glaring daggers at you.

You poke the Godspore. It looks to be asleep.

[The Godspore] Mmn. Outsider is annoying. Leave Godspore alone.

[The Godspore] ...

[The Godspore] Mmn. Outsider travels much through Wolfswood. And yet, no respect for nature!

  • [What? I have plenty of respect.]
    • [The Godspore] So you say. Easy to say, though. Has not shown respect. Has continued attacking Mycelia. Has stolen from us.
    • [I haven't destroyed any Mycelia. I've left them to regrow.]
    • [The Godspore] Is true. Is still not enough. Enough would be leaving Mycelia alone. Enough would be letting Godspore free.
    • [You know I won't do that.]
    • [The Godspore] Perhaps. But Outsider could! Is a possibility!
    • [No.]
    • [The Godspore] Hmph. Fine. Outsider wins this time! But next time, Godspore wins. Will guarantee it.
  • [You're right, I hate nature.]
    • [The Godspore] Is not suprising. Outsider seemed like nature hater. Explaisn why attacked Godspore. Abello chose bad ally, we think. Could convince Abello to join Godspore, with this.
    • [You know they reached out to us first, right?]
    • [The Godspore] Pah. Traitors, yes. But traitors can be convinced. Outsider, though, is hopless. Will never understand.

[The Godspore] Outsider. We demand you release us.

[What? No.]

[The Godspore] Hmph. Release us at once.


[The Godspore] Release us, or else... Godspore will rip Outsider in half, when free. Will be very painful.

[No thank you.]

[The Godspore] Pah. Reasonable, have been. You understand not. Were Mycelia, would be easy. Would have released us already. No, Outsider difficult. Hmph.

[The Godspore] Mmn. Why bother with Silverfolk lands? Is nothing valuable there. Only Silver worship and death.

  • [The people of New Antium have problems I can help with.]
    • [The Godspore] And was Godspore another problem for Outsider to solve? Pah. Godspore not problem. Dichen are problem! {...}
    • [The Godspore] What problems even worth Outsider's time? See nothing important in Silverfolk lands.
    • [Usually, I find a Wool is responsible for these kinds of large-scale problems.]
    • [The Godspore] Ahh. The prisons. Seek their power, do you? Keep seeking, then. Perhaps a prison will fall within reach of Godspore! Then Godspore will show Outsider our power.
    • [Right... We'll see about that.]
    • [The Godspore] Yes! See. We will see.
  • [There's plenty of treasure in the Keep.]
    • [The Godspore] Ahh. Yes. Silver treasure. Should have known. Outsider is very... What is Dichen word. Materialistic! Yes. Outsider is very materialistic.
    • [And you aren't?]
    • [The Godspore] Hmph. More misunderstanding. Our land is Wolfswood. Dichen arrive, destroy and steal. Do not give back to the earth. Take and take and build and build. {...}
    • [The Godspore] Mycelia, we are the land. We feel destruction. We feel loss. We remember what has been taken. {...}
    • [The Godspore] What you seek in Silverfolk land, not what we want. Mycelia want what is rightfully ours. Want what all have taken.
  • [I think you can find something valuable anywhere if you look hard enough.]
    • [The Godspore] Hmphj. Perhaps. Perhaps not. Is not worth it, we think. Godspore values only Mycelia. Now, Godspore is not connected. Where that leave us?
    • [Maybe eventually you can go back. Bot not yet.]
    • [The Godspore] Outsider, you understand nothing. Godspore must protect Mycelia from danger. Much danger is in Wolfswood. If Godspore is disconnected, has no way to protect! Has very easy solution. Let Godspore return.
    • [I'm not going to let you go.]
    • [The Godspore] ...Even if ask nicely?
    • [No!]
    • [The Godspore] Pah. Ridiculous. Would be so easy! Fine. Will find own way out.

[The Godspore] Hmph. What does Outsider hope to gain? Carry Godspore around, mock us? Cutting was not enough for Outsider, no... Must show disrespect always.

[Elder Yuti Asked me to show you the world, so that's what I'm doing.]

[The Godspore] Pah. Godspore does not need to see world. Godspore needs to connect to network again. Must protect Mycelia.

[They'll be fine without you.]

[The Godspore] Outsider would say that. Has no understanding of dangers. Ignorant, you are. Will always be.

Npc Dialogue

Elder Yuti Abello

??? (Missing)

[The Godspore] ...Yes. Hear you, we do. Traitorous Abello. Hmph. Here to gloat, you are?

[Elder Yuti Abello] No. Was not happy, attack Godspore. But was necessary. Did not want part in your war.

[The Godspore] Your attack, necessary? Ours as well! Dichen attack Mycelia! Must strike first, to not die. Only wanted to protect Mycelia. Thought Abello would understand. Instead, only traitors here. Working with Outsider? Pah.

[Elder Yuti Abello] You only want control. Needed Abello and Udake power! No choice for us. Only you. This is your idea of protection?

[The Godspore] ...

[Elder Yuti Abello] Abello no like Dichen either! Did not start war over it! Be sensible.

[The Godspore] Dichen attack first. Dichen steal our land! Mycelia, we are special. Wolfswood belong to us! Dichen, Coven... Outsider... all lesser. Only know to destroy, to steal. Mycelia only be safe if all are gone! Understand, you must.

[Elder Yuti Abello] Hnn. Godspore know nothing of outside world, living deep in coremounds. I see perfect opportunity here. You, Outsider. You adventurer, yes? Travel the ring?

[I am, yes.]

[Elder Yuti Abello] Then take Godspore with you. Show it outside world. Can do no harm, anymore. Has lost connection to us. Will be good for it, see more than caverns.

[The Godspore] What?! You... Mycelia no survive without us! Dichen will destroy you! Protect you, we did! Abello cannot possibly think Outsider is good ally!

[Elder Yuti Abello] Yah. Godspore did protect. But not for long time. Abello and Udake survive decades without Godspore. Will survive decades more.

[The Godspore] ...

[Elder Yuti Abello] Outsider do well. Have our gratitude for your help.


[Hekawt] i see you have stepped into this pocket of the Veil once more. what do you seek?

[I've been to the Ring. I've claimed the Wolf.]

[Hekawt] have you now? i can sense this is true... yet i know you would not grant me that freedom, even if i could take it. why tell me this? i know you are not here simply to taunt me with this knowledge.

[And what if I am? I could be here to taunt you.]

[Hekawt] ha ha. to be so defensive over a fact you know is true. no... though you are a murderer, you do not take satisfaction in the act. this much, i know.

[The Godspore] Mmn. Strange specter is wrong. Outsider takes much satisfaction in carrying us around.

[Hekawt] now what is this? a third has joined us in the Veil? fascinating. another enemy of yours, murderer, brought down by what you called "necessity?" laughable

[The Godspore] Hmph. So, specter also faced Outsider? Must be weak, to have fallen. Not like Godspore. Godspore strong. Powerful.

[Hekawt] ... ha! what a group of comedians we make! the wanderer, working to save this world, yet still so insecure about their intentions! the godspore, felled by the first, still holding on to a rapidly deteriorating idea of itself and the world! and of course myself, dead and fading away, still invested in this world's well-being despite knowing i will not live to see the conclusion! pathetic.

[The Godspore] ...

[I can sense that coming back to talk to you was a mistake.]

[Hekawt] it would have been kinder if you had truly come to taunt me. leave me now, let me fade. you have much left to accomplish after all. and the life i can sense on your companion... there is more it can accomplish as well. i wish you luck, once more.

[The Godspore] ...Specter is strange. But we feel for specter's situation. Would help, if could. None deserve to fade. Deserve to rejoin earth, as Mycelia do.

[Hekawt] if only we all could be so fortunate. the Veil takes what it will from this world, as it must. that is the only way this world can stand.

[Goodbye, Hekawt.]

[Hekawt] good bye. we were not friends... but i suppose this feels close enough, in the end.

Ami Udake

[Ami Udake] Ah, once again being amongst the Tlaxani. Their attunement to nature has always brought me great comfort.

[I've traveled to the Ring, and I've met the Abello.]

[Ami Udake] Have you now! They've said only good things about me, I trust?

[I did ask them about you, but-]

[The Godspore] Mmn... Udake traitor. Godspore remembers, yes. Abandoned family long ago. This where traitor ran off to? {...}

[Ami Udake] Well, this is certainly a surprise. As it so happens, I remember you as well, Godspore! Even before I left for adventure, your desire to control us was a constant frustration. {...}

[Ami Udake] Though, I can’t say I ever expected to see you in this form... How have you managed that, I wonder?

[It's a long story.]

[The Godspore] Pah! Do not need to hear this from Udake traitor. Abandoned Mycelia long ago. Left Mycelia behind. Has no right to talk. {...}

[Ami Udake] Hmph. As it stands, you do not seem to hold the power to talk down to me like that! I had my reasons for leaving. Reasons I debated for a long while before making this decision. {...}

[The Godspore] ... {...}

[Ami Udake] Now, you were saying you asked the Abello about me?

[I did. They... seemed to react pretty negatively when I mentioned you.]

[Ami Udake] ... {...}

[Ami Udake] Is that so? Then perhaps I will have to visit home some time soon... {...}

[Ami Udake] Though, my roots stand too deep in this land to make such a visit. It would take some time to uproot myself enough to leave... {...}

[The Godspore] ...Hmph. Udake should visit family, we say. Once part of network, always part of network... Even if betrayed Mycelia. Is always time to make amends. {...}

[Ami Udake] I see. Then I would suggest that perhaps you should reflect on that advice, and consider it for yourself, hm? {...}

[The Godspore] ... {...}

[Ami Udake] In any case, I thank you for informing me, even if it came along with such an unpleasant interaction.

Conquer Dialogue

Coven Fortress

[The Godspore] Outsider. Look up. See this spell?

[The Hex? I see it.]

[The Godspore] Mmn. Hex. Vile magic, it is. Drains Wolf's power for Coven gain. More reason to hate Coven.

[The Godspore] We... do not like to see Wolf suffer. Been gone for long time, but... still was creator. Still was important long time ago.

[The Godspore] Mycelia survived long without Wolf's presence, yes? Did not need guidance any longer. Godspore could lead well.

  • [Until now.]
    • [The Godspore] Pah. Yes, Outsider would know about that. Could release us now. Could return all to normal. But, no, Outsider understands not. Is more to it than... Godspore leading poorly. Godspore led well!
    • [The Godspore] Hmph. Now mood is worse. Only Outsider to blame for this misery! We curse you. Curse Abello elder, too! Curse all traitors.
  • [If you survived without the Wolf, maybe they can survive without you.]
    • [The Godspore] Mmn.
    • [The Godspore] Perhaps. Perhaps Outsider has a point. Godspore only wanted to protect. Have told you, have told Abello elder. But, no. Godspore is villain here!
    • [The Godspore] Is absurd! Have always done best for Mycelia. Mycelia should understand! Mycelia seen human crimes. Hmph.

Amanita Colony

[The Godspore] ...Can feel coremounds from here. Amanita is... close to heart. Not far through roots.

[The Godspore] Feels quiet now. Disconnected from roots. Used to be loud, always. So many Mycelia in network.

[The Godspore] Still so many in network. But, Godspore is not. Mmn. Outsider did this to us. Cut us off from core. Was it worth, we wonder? Did Outsider achieve goals?

[You were threatening to pull the Abello and Udake into your network. You were going to kill the Dichen.]

[The Godspore] Perhaps. Is safer in network. Can call for help if threatened. Outside is... vulnerable. Better to stay within.

[The Godspore] You, Outsider, do not know Mycelian way. Have no context for network. How could you? Have never been in one.

[The Godspore] But we were. And now are not. And still, world keeps moving. With or without us.

[The Godspore] Understand our pain, now? Understand what you cause, keeping us?

  • [You know I can't let you back in. You'd cause too much harm if I did.]
    • [The Godspore] Hm. Harm is subjective, Outsider. You see our acts as harmful, yes? But we have seen damage caused by you, too. You are not blameless.
  • [Not entirely. But I think I do, a little.]
    • [The Godspore] Mmn. Strange, you are. But not evil, perhaps. When Godspore regains power, might spare Outsider. Will think about it.

Submerged Citadel

[The Godspore] Ha! See this, Outsider? Is Silver structure. Is now overtaken by nature. Did not plan for future well enough, eh?

[Well, to be fair, they have been gone for thousands of years.]

[The Godspore] Bah. Godspore lived longer. Godspore planned ahead! Mycelia doing much better than Silver today.

[The Godspore] You see any Silver today, Outsider? Hm? Did not think so.

  • [I've met a couple Silver Knights, actually.]
    • [The Godspore] What? Surely Outsider lies. Met Silver? Absurd. Have been all gone for long time.
    • [The Godspore] Outsider should practice lying. Is not very convincing.
  • [Uh... Sure.]
    • [The Godspore] Hmph. No respect for Godspore. Let Godspore have this one victory. Has already lost enough.
    • [Fine. You're right, you did way better than the Silver Knights! You are the best.]
    • [The Godspore] See? Outsider can be reasonable too! Godspore is the best. Outsider should be smart more often.

Vibrant Hollow

[The Godspore] Mmn. The Hollow, yes... We remember. Dichen atrocities, long ago.

  • [These people didn't deserve what you did to them.]
    • [The Godspore] Perhaps. Shroomgardens not deserve to be cut down, either. Where that leave us?
    • [Maybe nobody deserved it.]
    • [The Godspore] Hmph. Such is life. Must be strong, to be safe. If unable to protect, then fate is earned.
  • [What did they do?]
    • [The Godspore] Ahhh. Outsider, you are. Unaware of Mycelia history? Will tell you.
    • [The Godspore] Dichen arrive decades ago. Build on coast, then begin to expand. Destroy Wolfswood as they move. Discover Mycelia shroomgardens. Cut down entire generation of Mycelia! We are cycle, yes? We remember, always.
    • [The Godspore] Godspore protects Mycelia. Attack on shroomgardens unacceptable. Mycelia must retaliate, no?
      • [I Understand.]
        • [The Godspore] Mmn. Perhaps. Outsider not as vile as first thought. Still vile for deception... But less.
      • [It still seems too harsh.]
        • [The Godspore] Pah. Outsider would not understand. Dichen done much harm since, too. Was more than deserved.

Shadowcast Bastille

[The Godspore] Old Silver fortress, this is. Why we here, Outsider? Wanted show Godspore more theft? Many stolen mana crystals, here. And so close to Chanterelle! Angry even thinking it.

[The Godspore] Though... Will say, do not recognize defenders. Did not seem Dichen, or Coven, or Silverfolk.

[They're a group called the Masked. They're led by Maxwell Calder, who holds the Black Wool.]

[The Godspore] Pah. Must not be important, if Godspore not aware of them.

  • [Well, they stole the Blue Wool from me. The Wolf's Favor.]
    • [The Godspore] What?! Then... of course Godspore knew them. Was... a test. Outsider failed! As expected.
    • [The Godspore] Why Mycelia not tell Godspore of Masked intruders? Should have been told. Would have attacked Masked, too. After Dichen!
    • [The Godspore] ... Outsider reclaimed Wolf, yes? Masked not hold it any longer?
    • [Yes, I did.]
    • [The Godspore] Mmn. Good. Do not trust Outsider much... But trust more than strange Masked. Keep Wolf safe.
  • [I guess not.]
    • [The Godspore] Yes! See? Godspore not unaware. Godspore focuses on important matters. Like Dichen. Dichen still a threat. Masked not a threat. Understand?

Silvic Quarry

[The Godspore] Mmn. Earth is scarred, here. Silverfolk tore through earth, stole our crystals. No different to Dichen.

[The Godspore] Digging stopped, but earth remembers. Will not recover for long time.

[But you Mycelia stick to the Wolfswood. Why would it matter what the Ashkii did here?]

[The Godspore] Hmph. Earth is very important to Mycelia. Of course we care about scars made by Silverfolk! Is a matter of principle.

[The Godspore] Proves Silverfolk as bad as Dichen, too. No care for earth. Only care for what can gain from it. Vile acts, these are.

[The Godspore] Outsider is not of either. But is still human. Still helped Dichen attack. We know Outsider does not care, truly.

[That's not true. I care]

[The Godspore] Perhaps. But is not enough, we think. If Outsider cared, would join Mycelia against Dichen. But, no, Outsider did not. Actions speak for themselves. (edited)

Arx Spirensis

[The Godspore] Outsider. This place is strange. Feels familiar... yet, not. Understand?

[No, not really.]

[The Godspore] Hmph. Should have expected this from Outsider.

[The Godspore] How to say... Wolf felt certain way, yes? Created Mycelia, now we feel same way.

[The Godspore] This place feels similar to Wolf... but not same. Is something different. We do not like it.

  • [You're right, that is strange.]
    • [The Godspore] Yes! Now Outsider understands. Should listen to Godspore more. Have much insight to offer.
    • [The Godspore] Still... is strange, yes. Will have to think more. Outsider should leave, now. We do not want to stay here longer.
  • [Oh. That's probably because there was another wool here.]
    • [The Godspore] Pah. Of course. Should have known. Prisons only thing Outsider cares about.
    • [The Godspore] ...Does make sense, though. Is just like Silver to capture others like Wolf. For what reason? Wolfswood was fine when Wolf was around. Better than fine, even! No need to trap Wolf in prison, we think.
    • [The Godspore] This, though... We think this deserved capture. Feels all wrong. Not like Wolf. Wolf felt right.
    • [The Godspore] So Silver made one right choice! Are allowed one. All other choices wrong, though. Godspore still hates Silver.

Forsaken Manor

[The Godspore] Mmn. Outsider. What is this place? Is further than roots ever reached.

[This is the Forsaken Manor in Pelias' Keep.]

[The Godspore] ...What?

[What do you mean, what?]

[The Godspore] Pelias'... Keep?

[Yes? That's what this place is called.]

[The Godspore] We do not recognize that name. Outsider, who is Pelias? We demand you tell us.

[You don't know who Pelias is?]

[The Godspore] Did Godspore not make that clear? Outsider cannot throw out random names and expect Godspore to know! Hmph.

[Well, he was the previous emperor of this empire. He drove it to ruin, then vanished.]

[The Godspore] Mmn. Silverfolk ruler. We know, now. Was responsible for scarring of earth, yes? {...}

[The Godspore] Pelias... Pah. Does not deserve to be remembered, we think. Godspore will choose to forget again. Nameless ruler of Silverfolk, he was.