The Godspore

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Godspore lore would go here. IF IT HAD ANY.

A loss does not mean total defeat. You may attempt this boss as many times as it takes until you achieve victory!
3* Masterwork and Completion of Brown Wool is heavily recommended before attempting this fight.
Players: 1-4 (Infinite Attempts)


The Godspore is an instanced boss in the Architect's Ring attemptable by teams of 1-4 players.

Death in this fight does not mean failure. Upon victory all players get rewards, and upon a full player wipe the group may try again, repeatedly if needed, unless they choose to leave the arena.

The lobby can be found west of Chanterelle Village in a cave (-366, 48, -378), or by doing the associated quest: Sporetal Combat.

The boss key, Blighted Catalyst, can be purchased from the Mysterious Mushroom in the middle of the lobby for 1 Blighted Roots and 1 Hyperchromatic Archos Ring.

Blighted Catalyst is obtained by talking to the Mysterious Mushroom, who will convert the required materials for you.

Mysterious Mushroom
Coordinates: [-366, 13, -392]

The mushroom bounces around invitingly, you hear it speak directly into your mind. {...}

[Mysterious Mushroom] You... Sukie... Collect materials... Sever its hold on us... Then trade with me... You must... {...}

[Mysterious Mushroom] Hallowed Roots... Tainted Spores... delicious Festering Toxins.

[Where do I find those things?]

[I have those things!]

  • Roots, Spores, and Toxin are removed from inventory. Blighted Roots appears in exchange.


Weak Spots

At the start of the fight, the Godspore has two Weak Spots exposed, each of which is worth 2.5% of its total HP. When these are destroyed mobs begin spawning.

Every 15 points of eligible mobs spawns 2 weakpoints around the central platform, which are each worth 5% of the Godspore's total HP.

If the Weak Spots aren't killed they do not block additional Weak Spots from spawning

The Weak Spots aren't regicide targets and each has 500 HP.

Spawning Enemies

After losing the first 5% of its health, the Godspore will begin continuously summoning waves of mobs.

Killing 15 normal mobs will cause additional Weak Spots to appear. Elites are worth 3 normal mobs.


During the fight each player has a vitality bar that starts at 100 and slowly drains (1 point every couple seconds).

Being hit by the boss's attacks also drains vitality, which can result in players having different amounts of vitality.

As Vitality drops past certain thresholds debuffs are applied:

  • 70 : -10% speed
  • 50 : -35% damage dealt
  • 10 : ??% vulnerability
  • 0 : instant death

Players can refill their vitality by activating a Shrine.

Shrines and Flowers

There are 4 shrines throughout the arena, each of which can be activated once per fight.

Activating a shrine requires bringing 4 specific flowers to it from the opposite side of the arena, with which flowers a shrine still needs shown hovering nearby.

Players can only carry one flower at a time, and being hit by an attack will cause the held flower to decay into nothing.

Flowers in shrines don't decay, allowing a shrine to be partially filled before its is needed.

An activated shrine shows white particles around it, and rapidly regenerates the Vitality of players standing inside for several seconds before deactivating permanently.

While a shrine is active, the Godspore will continue using its abilities.

Toxic Pool

The glass in between the rings damages, poisons, and knocks you away when stood on, so don't do that.

"Parts of the arena have become dangerous."

The outermost 5 or so blocks of the arena can give you blindness, or damage, or reduced healing received. Sometimes.

Players are unlikely to ever be this far out unless they got hit by Nature's Wrath while on the outer ring.


Spore Meteor

Yellow circles of particles appear randomly around the outside ring, after a few seconds anyone within them receives massive damage.

If Windspore Storm is active, running through a meteor's circle cancels that meteor.

Sporrous Barrage

Targets a random selection of players in the arena with a beam that does rapid damage with a short delay on its targetted position.

Keep moving to avoid being hit or stand behind terrain to block it.

Spore Blast

Upon finishing channeling damages and knocks back anyone standing on the center ring and the platforms connecting to it.

Windspore Storm

Windy particles (the windy particles are windy they sound like woosh) - needmoney90

After a short delay, deals heavy damage (and knockback?) to any player not standing on the wooden roots connecting the platforms.

Hyper Concentrated Sporruption

Channels for a few seconds, then does massive damage if every living player isn't near each other.

Does nothing besides make noise if solo.

(What is the actual damage distribution? With specific player positions this can kill one player without being a party wipe to bad positioning.)

Nature's Wrath

Converts sections of the arena to podzol which after a brief delay damages and knocks back anyone standing on it, similarly to Eldrask's Shatter attack



Under the "Challenges" tab in a player's advancements, there are several advancements that players can earn by fulfilling certain conditions during a fight against the Godspore.

  • The Godspore: Defeate Godspore.
  • Divine Duo: Beat godspore with 2 players
  • Healthy Hero: Defeat Godspore without vitality falling below 70.
  • Hurricane Yuti: Be blown away by Windstorm Spores 3 times in a single fight and live to tell the tale.
  • Shrine Fanatic: Defeat the Godspore after activating all 4 Shrines at the same time.
  • Sporefection: Defeat Godspore without being hit by an ability that reduces your vitality.
  • Godspore (Solo): Beat Godspore Solo