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Hekawt, the Eternal --- often shortened to just Hekawt (or, sometimes, just Hek), and given the subtitle Inheritor of Eternity in his boss battle --- is a world boss fought in the Celsian Isles.


Hekawt can be summoned by purchasing a Warped Emblem for 2 Hyper Crystalline Shards and 2 Shifting Crystals from Ancev, who resides in the tunnel that links the main town of Molta and Hekawt's arena. Throwing the Emblem onto the shroomlight block in the center of the arena will, after a short waiting period, consume the Emblem and do one of two things:

  • If the Warped Emblem used is not marked as Instant, its consumption will start a 6-minute preparation period for the fight, announcing Hekawt's arrival in chat and allowing other players to arrive freely until the battle begins. At each 30-second interval, if there are 25 or more players in the arena during this countdown, the fight will instantly begin, regardless of time remaining.
  • If the Warped Emblem used is marked as Instant, its consumption will not announce Hekawt's arrival in chat, and will instead start the fight mere seconds later, completely bypassing the 6-minute preparation period typical to world boss summons.

While mainly fought as a necessary battle for the quest A Lich in the System, this quest does not actually need to be started to fight him; rather, any player who has completed the City of Shifting Waters at least once can partake in his fight by going through the tunnel on the west side of Molta to reach the arena.

Boss Fight

Unlike most other bosses (including Kaul and Eldrask, the other two currently-available world bosses), Hekawt will not actively chase the players he is fighting. Instead, he will stand in one spot and cast his abilities, teleporting to a random spot somewhat nearby after taking a certain amount of damage.

  • Each teleport is visually displayed as a line of angry villager particles pointing to Hekawt's new location.
  • Hekawt will occasionally teleport onto the upper platforms of the arena if he does not take damage for an extended period of time.
  • Hekawt is unable to teleport while casting the spells Salient of Decay, Desecrate, or Dark Omen.

Hekawt may also deal melee damage if a target player gets too close to him.


Hekawt has several passive abilities that he uses throughout the fight:

  • When at least one player is nearby, Hekawt will attack in a 3 block cone in a player's direction, dealing AOE damage in that area after half a second and knocking back any players caught in the initial attack.
  • Hekawt will fire two projectiles (death bolts) at players every few seconds. This is signified by the faint sound of charging a respawn anchor.
  • Any players killed in the arena turn into an Elite with one custom ability and equipment based on their class. These husks also have the player's name, which can lead to some rather amusing death messages should they kill another player.
    • Alchemist: ?????
    • Cleric: Rejuvenation
    • Mage: Magma Shield
    • Rogue: Smokescreen
    • Scout: Volley
    • Warlock: Amplifying Hex
    • Warrior: ?????
  • Hekawt has a miasma shield which neutralizes any attack from too far away. This is told to the attacker via chat message.
  • Going higher than 10 blocks above the ground will blind and severely damage the player.

Phase I

  • Dimensional Door: Hekawt opens large portals in the ground underneath players, which disappear after about 30 seconds. A player who jumps in will be sent to the Shadow Realm, a version of the arena surrounded by void.
    • In the center of this void-laden arena is Hekawt's very own Phylactery, which the players may attack.
      • The Phylactery glows white, yellow, or red depending on it's remaining HP, retaining damage dealt to it on subsequent casts of Dimensional Door.
      • The Phylactery must be killed or Hekawt will heal 15% of his HP when he drops to 1%, rendering him immortal until the Phylactery is destroyed.
    • While the Phylactery itself cannot attack in any fashion, danger still looms in the Shadow Realm. When a player jumps into this Realm, a clone of themselves will spawn:
      • The spawned clone will have two abilities and equipment based on the player's class (more information in the Passives section).
      • Players can only escape the realm if their clone is killed, either by them or by another player, within 20 seconds.
      • If a player takes too long to escape, their soul dissipates and they die. This takes the form of an unavoidable DoT with knockback, similar to Kaul's lightning strike, that continues until the player dies. When this happens, Hekawt summons an undead copy of the dead player up above.
  • Salient of Decay: Hekawt will charge up lines of turquoise particles aimed at players. When finished, extremely fast projectiles firing along them. These will deal 3 damage and inflict players with a high potency of wither. Salient cannot travel through blocks.
  • Grasping Hands: A turquoise ring of particles will appear below select players, following their movement. These rings will stop following their players 1 second before the cast starts, in which they will stay in place. Once the cast begins, players who go in will be damaged and given Slowness and negative Jump Boost. The activated hands will heal any mob that comes through the ring by 0.5% + 3 HP per tick, with a heal cap of 75 HP per tick.
  • Soul Shackle: Hekawt will release a multitude of shulker bullets. If a player is hit by one of them, Hekawt will chain them to their current position. Chained players cannot leave the ring or they will get damaged and knocked back towards it. The chain duration is about 5 seconds.
  • Raise Dead: Multiple mobs with origins from City of Shifting Waters and Valley of Forgotten Pharaohs will spawn around the arena.

Phase II

After reaching 66% health, Hekawt will teleport to the center and blow up the crystals on the 8 smaller pillars around the arena, revealing end crystals on each one. Hekawt can no longer cast Salient of Decay.

  • End Crystals (Passive): The crystals on the smaller towers will respawn at a rate based on the amount of players. Crystals will also spawn with shields, signified by flame particles around them. After the shields are damaged enough, they disappear, allowing for the crystal to be destroyed. Shield health is determined by the amount of players.
  • Dies Irae: Hekawt will teleport to the center and spawn up to 4 additional crystals (crystals left before the charge will count towards the attack as well), which he draws energy from. Over time, the energy beams will change from white to yellow to red. After this process, Hekawt will heal 2.5% HP per crystal remaining and deal an AOE attack across the entire arena (excluding the Shadow Realm). This attack deals 20% of each players' HP per crystal remaining, as well as inflict slowness, -20% to all damage, and anti-heal for 5 seconds for every crystal.

Phase III

After reaching 33% health, Hekawt will teleport to the center and change the outer area of the arena. This transition will also knock back all players still alive (and not in the Shadow Realm) with considerable force.

  • Curse (Passive): Some of Hekawt's spells will now inflict Curse on hit players for up to 2 minutes. Cursed players take double damage from all sources. Entering the Shadow Realm removes the Cursed effect.
  • Dark Omen: Hekawt will fire eight flaming blades in a plus shape from himself. These deal damage to players and, on hit with a player, block, or the edge of the arena, will spawn multiple glowing vexes based on the amount of players. These vexes die on attack and inflict Curse on players.
  • Desecrate: A ring of particles will close in on Hekawt. When fully closed in, all players within the starting size of the ring will be silenced and rooted to the ground. The ring will then begin to expand again, dealing massive damage to players hit.
  • Gravity Well: A ring with a large yellow ring will appear, centering on a random player. After a few seconds, the cast will begin and the yellow ring turns red. The gravity well activates, pulling players towards the center of the ring and dealing high amounts of damage every second that a player is caught in it.
  • Akrhh Almawt: At 30% and 20% HP, Hekawt will summon two horse-riding mobs. These mobs each have a different ability reminiscent to the Headless Horseman and Daredevil. Additionally, getting hit by any of the horsemen's attacks will make all other nearby mobs attack the target.
    • Conquest: Explosive Drones: Conquest will summon multiple bees that explode after a few seconds.
    • Strife: Sinister Reach: Strife will stop in place and produce a short line of critical hit particles. After 1.5 seconds, players in the particles take damage and are knocked back 8 times in quick succession.
    • Judgement: Hellzone Grenade: Judgement will throw 4 pumpkin bombs that explode on impact, leaving a ring of fire that damages and ignites players.
    • Demise: Burning Vengeance: Demise spawns a large flaming ring around him that closes in, playing the infamous xylophone sound. Players caught in the ring are pulled in and ignited. When the ring fully closes in, nearby players take massive damage, are ignited, and are knocked away.

Once Hekawt reaches 0 HP after the destruction of his Phylactery, his body will explode, leaving his armor and weapons scattered on the ground (no, you cannot pick them up), The victory title will appear, but then turn obfuscated. Hekawt is then resurrected by the power of the Parting Veil.

Phase IV

Hekawt will revive from the power of the Veil, teleporting to the center and have a damaging aura around him. He loses all previous abilities except for Death Bolt. Players have 200 seconds to kill Hekawt once and for all before their souls dissipate. The only way to damage him now is to destroy all the crystals. Once they are destroyed, 2 crystals will spawn on one of the bigger obsidian towers.

  • Mobs are summoned throughout the entire phase.
  • Hekawt will occasionally throw a spray of magma bombs onto the upper platforms, dealing large damage to anyone on them.
  • Multiple players will be targeted by a charging Death Laser from Hekawt. If directly hit, the player will take massive damage, be Cursed, and receive heavy knockback.
  • The crystals spawned will fire a laser at Hekawt and will glow in a pattern identical to Dies Irae. Any crystal not destroyed by the end of the charge will explode into multiple bombs that leave a damaging circle on impact.

Break the crystals in the larger obsidian towers four times and Hekawt will finally die and explode, leaving his armor and weapons scattered on the ground (no, you still cannot pick them up). The victory screen will then appear (with no fakeout this time), signaling that you have successfully defeated Hekawt.


  • Bring something that can shoot at the crystals. No matter your class or your level of preparation, Hekawt's crystals can leave even the hardiest or most ruthless individuals dead in the water, should they lack sufficient ranged firepower, as the fight physically cannot be completed without the ability to dispatch them.
  • The destinations of portals opened by Dimensional Door do not change as the attack is charging. If you wish to stay out of the Shadow Realm, stay on the move and refrain from doubling back on your movements until the portals have been properly opened.
  • When Hekawt performs his phase III transition, avoid the edges of the arena or stay near a set of walls for the duration of said transition, as failure to do so can send you careening flying into the lava that surrounds the arena due to the knockback performed.
  • If Hekawt manages to proc Curse for a particularly long time on you, it may be wise to seek out an open Dimensional Door (or hold the line until one can open) and intentionally jump through it to cleanse the effect instead of attempting to outlast it, even (and, in some cases, especially) if Hekawt's Phylactery has already been destroyed.
  • For phase IV in particular, a few notes should be kept in mind:
    • Destroying the crystals is your top priority (alongside, of course, staying alive), as the fight cannot be won from this point forward unless the crystals are sufficiently dealt with.
    • The Death Laser which Hekawt fires in this phase cannot travel through blocks. As such, it can be avoided by hiding behind the obsidian towers or underneath the platforms, or creating your own sufficient cover with a wall of blocks about 4-5 blocks high. Note that you will still need to be able to shoot down the crystals in the obsidian towers; take care not to obstruct your line of fire alongside Hekawt's.
    • The Death Bolts fired by Hekawt are able to ignore all forms of cover, both naturally present and player-made. As such, it is recommended to stay moving when possible whenever Hekawt begins using them to avoid taking unnecessary damage.


For your first victory of the day, you will be given a Hekawt Artifacts chest. This chest contains the following:

  • 2 stacks of orange terracotta
  • 4 Tier 5 items sourced from the Celsian Isles
  • 2 random potions
  • 2 Condensed Experience
  • 1 Eternity Fragment
  • 3 Ancestral Effigies

For each of up to 7 subsequent victories AFTER your first in a day, you will be given a Hekawt Uncommons chest. This chest contains the following:

  • 2 stacks of orange terracotta
  • 3 Tier 5 items sourced from the Celsian Isles
  • 2 random potions
  • 1 Condensed Experience
  • 1 Ancestral Effigy

While Eternity Fragments can be used to make Gleaming Dust at a more efficient rate than is typical for Celsian Isles fragments (2 dust for 1 fragment), a set of 4 Eternity Fragments can also be traded in at the Artifact Trader next to Ancev for one of the following Items; all of these are very strong in their own rights, and are limited primarily by the fact that they carry the Curse of Corruption:

  • Evening Star: An offhand sword with high Agility which also grants a massive bonus to melee damage, at the cost of a notable penalty to melee attack speed.
  • Creation: A bow with high damage, mild Ice Aspect, a guaranteed Thunder Aspect proc, and mild Regeneration.
  • Transcendence: A helmet-slot player head with Ethereal, high Agility, and a high magic damage bonus.
  • Eternity: A pair of pants with substantial Fire Protection, a bonus to base movement speed, and the highest Armor stat of any Celsian Isles pants.
  • Departure: A chestplate with notable Feather Falling and substantial Adrenaline, though it is mainly noteworthy for having the highest Agility of any Celsian Isles chestplate.
  • Rapture: A chestplate which boosts melee and magic damage dealt by the wearer while also granting light protection against those damage types, giving high Armor and substantial Sustenance in the process.
  • Vehemence: A pair of pants with notable Blast Protection and Evasion, as well as high Agility.
  • Consumption: A helmet with a level each in Poise, Life Drain, and Regeneration, alongside giving a healthy amount of Armor.

Ancestral Effigies, as of currently, have four uses:

  • Ancev sells Otherworldly Gems for 2 Effigies and 2 Hyper Crystalline Shards each, which can apply special Eternity Skins to various items.
  • The Artifact Trader standing next to Ancev will also accept an Effigy each in exchange for one of two Uncommon-rarity potions:
    • Glory to the Eternal, an instantly-drinkable potion which grants your entire health bar in absorption health...at the cost of leaving you to starve with an empty hunger bar.
    • Extract of the Eternal, a potion which grants Haste and Regeneration for a hefty length of time.
  • Two additional uses for the Effigies are unlocked when speaking to Pharaoh Tyro Syl in Alnera after completion of the quest A Lich in the System:
    • For 2 Hyper Crystalline Shards and 6 Effigies, the player may give the Phylactery enchantment to an item, also giving it the text "Embalmed by <Player Name>." 10% of your EXP on death will be stored in your grave for each item with Phylactery that is equipped upon your death, reaching a max of 60% EXP stored with all possible slots embalmed (armor slots, mainhand, and offhand).
    • For 20 Hyper Crystalline Shards and 36 Effigies, the player may purchase the Ire of the Gods, a powerful, unbreakable Epic-rarity crossbow with the highest projectile damage of any Celsian Isles crossbow, the second highest projectile speed of any Celsian Isles projectile weapon (at 3.0, only beaten by the 5.0 of Aleph), an infamously high level of Recoil, and Infinity.


Main Article: Hekawt/Transcript


Under the "Challenges" tab in a player's advancements, there are 10 advancements in total that players can earn by fulfilling certain conditions during a fight against Hekawt:

  • Hekawt: Defeat Hekawt, the Lich.
  • Unholy Trinity: Defeat Hekawt with a team of exactly 3 warlocks.
  • Deathly Duo: Defeat Hekawt with 2 players.
  • Putrid Platoon: Defeat Hekawt with 10 or more players where no one dies.
  • Feeble Cursed One: Get cursed by Hekawt 3 times in a single fight and win.
  • Death Report: Enter Hekawt's Shadow Realm and escape with less than 1 second remaining. Reports of my death were greatly exaggerated.
  • Revenant Slayer: Slay 3 Player Revenants outside the Shadow Realm in a single fight.
  • Player Slayer: Slay a player... as a revenant.
  • Day of Wrath: Survive Dies Irae at 5 Crystals or higher and win to tell the tale.
  • Defeat Hekawt Solo: To conquer that who has conquered death...


  • Hekawt was released on September 18th, 2021.
  • After completing the quest A Lich in the System, the player can enter the gateway in Breachpoint to talk to Hekawt's spirit in the Veil. He has more dialogue as the player progresses through the Parting Veil expansion, granting the advancement "The Parting Veil" upon full completion of his dialogue here.