Horrible Feeling

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Horrible Feeling is a book written by the Tlaxan elder R'Kitxet inside the warped remnants of the Verdant Fortress. It can be found on a lectern within the Verdant Remnants Strike, after following R'Kitxet's path during the quest The Elder's Scrolls.


It was, of course, the Sons of the Forest. This we knew. The Outsider Made Conduit saw to their proper end. Still, there is a lurking darkness within. There are still surviving on the power flowing through this place. I've not found any physical evidence yet, but I can feel it. This magic seeks to rip apart this reality and substitute it with its own will.

I do not think the darkest god is of the same flesh as our gods. I am not even sure it is a god in the same way. Something horrible is happening. I will get to the bottom of it. I must keep my mind strong. I must steel my will against this sliver of darkness and remain whole. I must.