I Will Do What I Must

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I Will Do What I Must is a book written by Silver Emperor Uriddan that is awarded upon completion of the Ruined Tower parkour course east of Star Point.


It's so peaceful gazing out from over the Fractured Tree. There's something truly beautiful about looking out over the edge to see near-nothingness. Just the edge of the ocean, the branches o the Tree, and the great bridge, stretching ever on.

I am going to miss this view. Tomorrow will be the last time I see the beautiful Empire we have built together. Tomorrow, I shall ascend from my position as the Silver Emperor and enter a new role as the Warden of a prisoner so strange and so deadly that it escapes description. What the Architect commands, I shall do, but deep down I question if this is truly the correct path to keeping the Architect's Ring and the world at large safe. I understand my power and my duty, but I also see the guiding hand I exert on this Empire and fear for its absence. For now, all we can do is wait and see the outcome. But I will not see it myself. I will not see the sun. I will not see the moon. I will not see my Knights in their shining armors. I will not see the Blackflame, proud and mighty riders of war. I will not see my citizens and serfs, toiling away for their greater purpose. I will not see what happens next.

I must leave a legacy behind. It sounds so vain when I write these words, but I know the position I hold. I shall let the people mourn me. I shall task Navvte to construct for me great tombs and place a sacred piece of my armor within its crypt. This will be my legacy and my afterlife. The Empire will mourn its Silver Emperor. I will mourn my life here.

But the Architect's Command must come first, and the Indigo confoundary we have imprisoned must be held. It is unlike any other being of the ley lines. My work is clear.

I will do what I must.