Instruments of War

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Instruments of War is a lore book found in a side room in the Alchemy Labs. It was written by Alchemist Varent.


59 AV

The war will not be won with swords. Our archers are useless against the Tlaxans. What we need is alchemy. We've convinced Queen Isadora I to approve the building of a sprawling alchemy complex below the capital. We need to be able to defend ourselves. King Fluospar's death will not go unavenged. The crown is pouring money into the construction, and within the next few years the lab will be ready. We will be able to brew and mass produce the ultimate weapons war. Potions.

Already, our master alchemists are experimenting and preparing new potions that our warriors will be able to use against the foul shamans, dampening their magic and destroying their bodies.

62 AV

The Labs are complete. Work has begun within and our alchemists are hard at work brewing massive amounts of dangerous potions. We will begin shipping out supplies to our forces next week. The Blackroot War will be over soon.

64 AV

We have won. The Tlaxans have surrendered and at last, the Narsen Empire is legitimate. It's a shame Johannes I himself wasn't around to see it. Even more a shame Fluospar wasn't. His deal was the fuel for this whole war; we have won in his name.

Work within the Labs has slowed, but we remain prepared for the future.

66 AV

With the foundation of the Academy, the Queen has called for the closure of the Labs. It is a sad day, but I can't disagree. We are at peace, and the Academy and their mages will keep us safe. Is still feels sad to bottle up the last of our creations and move what's left above ground. We've prepared a smaller facility for the future. No longer is this massive complex needed.

Today, I seal the Labs. Farewell.