Legend of the Sky

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Long ago when the world was still young, there existed two distinct beings. One of brilliant light known as Aprico, and one of bottomless darkness known as Umbra. They watched over the world, each overseeing a half of it.
After centuries of watching over the humans that lived within this world, the existence of a peculiar human caught their attention. A young artist, Caerula, travelled across the land seeking breathtaking scenery to capture on a canvas.
From the snowy mountain tops to the deep ocean blue, she devoted her life to painting the gifts that the gods above had given this world. Loved by the two beings Aprico and Umbra, Caerula was guided to places that no human before her had been to.
Aprico and Umbra both considered Caerula a precious existence to them, but like with all humans they communicated with before, they made sure to never show themselves to her for their true form would be too great for them to comprehend.
Years passed by and the two would continue to guide her to new places to paint. But as these years went by, the desire to show themselves to Caerula for her to paint their likeness grew within Umbra.
One day, they appeared before her and their true appearance: a being of pure concentrated mana, was incomprehensible to the human mind. In their full glory, Caerula fell in love with Umbra and promised to paint their true self.
Satisfied with that response, Umbra returned to their perch above, not fully understanding the reality of what they had done. Despite the talent Caerula possessed, the task of capturing the glory of a god was too much for her.
One failed attempt became dozens, and dozens became hundreds. Painting became her obsession, and after decades of trying, Caerula went mad. After realizing what Umbra had done, Aprico flew into a rage and forbid Umbra from approaching Caerula anymore.
Forced to helplessly watch as the once brilliant artist descent into mania, Umbra wept. While they were furious with Umbra, Aprico pitied Caerula.
When she eventually met her demise, drowned in the vibrant chaos of paint, Aprico brought her into the sky with them so she could continue to paint. But even after death, Umbra could not approach her.
So while Aprico watched the world from above, Caerula would follow, filling the sky behind them with color. And from behind Caerula, Umbra would slowly follow, watching the colors bleed into the darkness.