Old Journal

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It's been many years since I have set foot in my homeland of Ishnir. I never believed I would return, but my research in the Valley being forcefully ended has left me with no choice.

That said, all is not totally lost here.

The information I was able to come across in the Valley was scarce, due to the violent past between the Narsens and the Tlaxani.

The people here, however, sit upon a massive foundation of knowledge and don't even realize it. They focus so heavily

on their politics and national squabbles, that they ignore information that sits right under their noses, left by those who came before them.

Here, I can truly come to understand the nature of the artifacts known as the Wools.

How did these items, physical embodiments of the primoridial powers of the universe, come into existance? More importantly, can this be replicated?

I have much to do, but I require a workshop in order to perform my experiments.

I have called in a favor from my old friend, Ghalla. He has agreed to let me build under his store in Alnera.

This book is the key to the hidden passage in the shop, unlocked by slotting it into the upper compartment of his furnace.