Older Magic

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This Trial unlocks the Arcanist specialization for Mages.

[Shepor] No no, this is all wrong...

The man is too busy looking over his notes to notice you standing there.

  • [Everything okay?]

[Shepor] Huh? Where did you come from? Haven't seen you around here before.

  • [I wanted to ask about the battleship.]
    • [Shepor] WHAT ABOUT IT?! I mean, uhh... No, it's not a battleship. It's for... sightseeing.
      • [But it has cannons...]
        • [Shepor] They explode confetti! And flowers! Flower-shaped confetti! Yeah, that's it...
  • [I heard you mumbling to yourself.]

[Shepor] Yes, well, I can't quite figure out what's wrong with my spell. Everything in my notes seems just fine, but nothing is working.

  • [Spell for what?]

[Shepor] A protective barrier. I am what you might call an Arcanist- I study magic that has long since been considered "outdated" by modern society. There aren't many like me left, so I tend to get called upon when their new-fangled magic doesn't quite work.

  • [Could you teach me some of your older magic?]

[Shepor] Do I look like I have the time for that? I'm currently trying to figure out why my blasted spell won't put a barrier over this battlesh- I MEAN TOTALLY REGULAR SHIP!

  • [I could help, if you'd like.]

[Shepor] So you're the adventuring type, eh? Hmm... perhaps you could be of service. I have one last idea that might work, but I need something before I can begin.

  • [What is it?]

[Shepor] Far below this city, under the ground level, there exists a tunnel system known as the Cavern of Cinders. Inside, there is a special culmination of heat, pressure, and dark magic that allows the natural production of Unholy Chiastolite. I need you to gather some of it, and bring it to Weaponsmith Hian here in the city. He already has my spare wand for repair, so tell him to crush the stone into a fine powder, and mix it with the metal during heating. This could provide results for me.

TRIAL : Older Magic
Class: Mage
Skill: Arcanist
Description: Seek out Unholy Chiastolite for Shepor.

Taking the Unholy Chiastolite (-120, 13, 501) to Weaponsmith Hian on the south side of Rahkeri:

[Weaponsmith Hian] Great heroes have great weapons. Many of my weapons could make you a legend- if you're willing to pay up!

  • [Actually I'm here about Shepor's wand.]

[Weaponsmith Hian] Eh, that old thing? Yeah, I was just about to blast it in the furnace. Should be good as new when I'm done with it.

  • [I need you to take this stone, crush it into a powder, and blast it with the wand.]

[Weaponsmith Hian] That's an odd request, but alright.

[Weaponsmith Hian] Here we go; wand's done.

Returning to Shepor with the Unholy Caster in hand:

[Shepor] Ah, my wand! Yes, this is perfect. This should amplify the protection aspect in the spell just enough to make it stick. In theory, at least. Ready to run a test?

  • [Let's give it a shot.]

[Shepor] PA PARA PAPA!

[Shepor] Yes! Now that's what I'm talking about! Thank you ever so kindly for fetching that for me. I knew the solution was right within my reach.

  • [Now that you've finished, can you teach me a bit of your magic?]

[Shepor] Yes yes, I suppose that's a fair trade. Let's begin immediately.

Awarded Arcanist Specialization and Erriot's Eradicator