Praetorer Strike

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Discuss how to handle Shades with the Praetor.

The Praetor

Coordinates: [-461 192 -64]

[The Praetor] You! You there! Come forward. You're the one who helped Ephesus. You're not from New Antium, yes? Why do you walk among the Ashkii? What do you seek?

[I'm an adventurer from outside the Ring]

[The Praetor] Surely you are sent to us by the Architect Himself. I claimed my first night of restful sleep in as many moons as I remember. You are to thank for this change, I hear.

[I'm glad I could help.]

[The Praetor] There is much still you could help with, should you be open to a partnership. What is your name ?


[The Praetor] I welcome you to New Antium in full decorum, [Player]. Your arrival here is fortunate and surely a sign of things to come. My people have always been plagued by misfortune, I swear to you. First the collapse. The Empire squandered in a night. The shades devouring those left behind. Then these dreams that you have lessened now.

[Indeed. So what do you ask ? I'm interested.]

[The Praetor] I am seeking the source of the Shades. It's been decades since they arrived, yet so many still remain, hungry as ever, seeking to be whole once more. They were once Ashkii like use, citizens of the Silvari Empire, but now they are nothing but Husks, fueled by power unknown.

[Have you tried killing them?]

[The Praetor] Of course. They return, hungrier for being than before.

[So I take it you're not sending to kill them, specifically]

[The Praetor] I am sure there will be killing, but that is not the end goal. The Shade Hunters and I seek the truth. No Praetor before me has sought the source, only tried to stymie the onslaught of Shades.

[What do you know?]

[The Praetor] Decades ago, an Emperor named Pelias brought the Silvari Empire to a final ruin. He was falling deeper and deeper into madness, you understand, and was searching for a mythical source of power, said to be hidden by the ancient Emperor Uriddan, a Silver Knight.

[Did he find it?]

[The Praetor] I don't know. Not a soul does. Everyone who would, and thousands of others living under Pelias vanished. In their place, the Shades.

[Sounds like he did find it and it didn't go well.]

[The Praetor] Mayhaps. I want to find out for sure. There's two areas to the Keep I want to investigate fully as part of this process. You might have the strength New Antium does not in order to investigate them.

[Why me instead of your troops?]

[The Praetor] You would not hear me say this openly, but I will confide in you as you have saves my dreams. New Antium is starving. The city is crumbling. We are confined to a tiny segment of what was once a majestic Keep. I cannot in good faith send my people alone.

[But you can send me.]

[The Praetor] You are something else. Special. You broke the nightmares. You survived the brutality of the Coven and Mycelia in the woods below to reach these walls.

[You're not wrong... Okay. Where do you need me to go?]

[The Praetor] The old Silvic Quarry or the Doomed Encampment near the former Silver Knight training grounds. Both have strong ties to Pelias' search for Uriddan's artifact. I trust you to pick the one that best suits you and seek information within.

[I'm on it.]

[The Praetor] Thank you [Player]. Return to me when you find something. Or if you can only find the hunger of Shader, return as well. Even knowing there is nothing more valuable than not knowing at all

C: Travel into and Conquer the Silvic Quarry... or....

C: Travel into and conquer the Doomed Encampment instead.

The Praetor

Coordinates: [-461 192 -64]

[The Praetor] If you have returned, I take it that you found something ?

[I got to the bottom of the tower in Doomed Encampment. The Shades there seemed different. Nastier.]

[The Praetor] I agree. Our intelligence suggests something happened in that tower before the Keep-wide event. Pelias did something there that drove him deeper to madness.

[I agree. There is a darkness to that tower. I also found this log book.]

[The Praetor] Let me page through that briefly... Ah Cleo. Still so young, yet so brave. One day she will learn the value of her allies. Not every excursion must be a chance for personal greatness, but instead a journey of greatness and safety for all. Did you find anything else?

[Just the aggressive Shades. Their loops seemed longer and more odd.]

[The Praetor] I truly believe that citadel is where the first Shades emerged, but their behavior when compared to the Shades that roam the cobblestones of the Keep differs greatly. Perhaps the Encampment can give us insight, but I do not think it is the source...

[Indeed. So what do you ask? I'm interested.]

[The Praetor] Now, Player. I thank you. I will summon you forth soon enough. I'd like to speak to Cleo about this. If you feel so inclined to go seek out answers at the Silvic Quarry as well, I will reward you richly for your troubles as well. Now though, please, take this for your mighty efforts.

Rewards : 2 Godtree Carvings and access to a further reward

If you complete the second POI :

The Praetor

Coordinates: [-461 192 -64]

[The Praetor] Oh, let the Architect make thy path steady. I see you have investigated the darkness of the Silvic Quarry then?

[I did. I got pretty deep into the Quarry. Shades of all types were still digging into whatever project they'd been working on berfore they died.]

[The Praetor] The Shades never died, but I see the point you are trying to make. The Shades just hade their being ripped from their body and that body never stopped existing. I am still yet unsure if they can ever stop.

[I see. Well, near the bottom a particularly powerful Shad came for me. I killed it and found this journal.]

[The Praetor] Ah, Guintorius' logbook! What a splendid find. Guintorius is a truly gifted combatant and works very hard to keep New Antium safe. He lost this book before I was ever the Praetor of this bastion against the Shades. I'm stunned no other brave soul had found it before you. The contents are quite interesting. I see. The Shade he mentions...

[Indeed, I think that might have been what I killed.]

[The Praetor] As before, the Shade is not dead, merely delayed. This is very interesting though. Guint may have found the end of Braccus' loop. Why did he vanish? I cannot say I've heard of that before with lesser Shades. But lesser Shades tend to not wander far... Where could this beast have gone ? Why ? Such fascinating questions. It is a shame the answers have not yet followed.

[I hope they do soon.]

[The Praetor] Now, Player. I thank you. I will summon you forth soon enough. I'd like to speak to Guint about this. But as promised, a handsome reward.