Primeval Creations III.9

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To enter the Crimson room, bring Thicker Than Blood Scraps and Old Note to the secret ladder behind the wall in the Light Blue room. You can obtain both items at once by talking to Historian Rhodes, in Mistport, about Viridia.

After entering Crimson room:


When I ponder on the Aspect of Memory, I am filled with a dread that for some reason feels familiar. What is Memory? And can it take physical form? I have developed a method for condensing physical memory into packets, a sequence that represents something larger. If I use this method, and sequence enough power to create that Crimson that eluded me, perhaps that shall be the key.

Puzzle Solutions Guide/Primeval Creations III.9

After completing the puzzle:

Suddenly, I became overwhelmed with a memory from a time long passed. From a time before this.

It was time I confronted him. I had been preparing to take my leave, but bringing myself to do it was the hardest part, after everything he had been through.

Vargos and Selari

[Vargos] You're... leaving the council? At a vulnerable time like this? We haven't even had time to recollect and gather our plans moving forward.

[Selari] I'm sorry Vargos, but it's what I must do.

[Vargos] Selari, please. That would leave only Bhairavi and myself to handle everything. I need your help in this.

[Selari] I'm aware that this will be a tough time for you both, but I know you can handle it. You're my friend Vargos, and it hurts me to do this, but I have a goal I must accomplish. I cannot allow anything to distract my work, not if we are ever going to stop him.

[Vargos] What are you planning on doing?

[Selari] Same as I've always done... Research.

[Vargos] I wish there was some way I could convince you to stay...

[Selari] *SIGH* ... I found this while cleaning the wreckage, by the way. Seems to be the only part of him that survived. You should have it.

Selari places a skull on the desk. Vargos just stares at it, his voice cracking as he tries to speak.

[Vargos] Wha- what the hell is this...

[Selari] You sat by his side to the very end, now allow him to sit by yours. Cherish it, as he cherished his little brother.

[Vargos] Selari, you... Why would you... WHY--

[Selari] Goodbye, Vargos.


[Vargos] SELARI!!!

[Vargos] SELARI IGNOS!!!

I didn't realize at the time, but it would be the last time I would see my friend. Maybe one day I can face him again... when this is all over...

This machine has been a mistake. My memories now leak from the depths of my consciousness, and infuse with the walls around them. I hear the echoes of my thoughts from previous experiments. What a horrid reality, for this was not a power meant to be held by man.

Primeval Creations III.9 Complete!
Your inventory suddenly feels slightly heavier.