Thicker Than Blood

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For the first time in many moons, I experienced a dream this past night. A dream that dwells upon my conscience and makes me ponder upon my decisions.

In it, I was standing in a large pit, surrounded by creatures swarming in the darkness. Through that darkness came figures. Humans, their origins unknown to me.

They dug through the earth, tunneling until they found the halls, wherein lied their prize. For the first time, it was something I recognized. It was The Memory. The dream then shifted, and I was atop a large stone structure. To one side, I could see a large outcropping of infested earth, and while I am unaware of how I knew, I could sense that is where I had just been.

Suddenly, I was engulfed in a bright light. It tore through the fabric of reality, and blighted the land around it.

My ears rang with the screaming of the world itself and my eyes could no longer see. This woke me violently, and in the aftermath I paced my chamber for some time.

I can still faintly see it, that cursed light, and it turns my stomach to understand its context. It was a hue much thicker than that of blood.

It was the most beautiful shade of Crimson.