Malevolent Reverie

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He is awake at last. Out of his self imposed slumber, and now the world must be cleansed.


He is awake at last and it is time to serve him for my sins.

He calls.

I am C'Axtal, the Soulspeaker. Kaul speaks through me."

After touching the shard hidden deep inside the Verdant Fortress you find yourself here. Somewhere. Words are scrawled upon walls; portents of doom. This is a nightmare. This is a sign of what is to come. The notes tell of Kaul, the Genius Loci, and of C'Axtal, a Tlaxan shaman who appears to have taken form within what seems to be Kaul imposing his will on his memory of the King's Valley. It begs you to free him. It also claims that you never will. The Malevolent Reverie of Kaul awaits you.

"To those who find me. Stop Kaul from making this nightmare real. If you cannot, there will be no more life in the Jungle." -C'Axtal


To unlock the dungeon complete the quest Unveiled. Then to access the dungeon in the future sleep in the black bed in the guard room. The guard room is in the mid step area of the stairs heading to the teleport lobby basement.

The Malevolent Reverie is a Raid Dungeon, featuring difficult monsters and a challenging raid boss. The dungeon is a corrupted version of Sierhaven, the most notable dangerous change being all water blocks being changed to lava.

Completion of this dungeon (killing the raid boss) rewards endgame Artifact items. Each player may select 1 Artifact item only. Rare rates are higher in this dungeon, however are not actual rares and are instead "rare shards" that you can take to the Transmogrifier to turn into an actual rare or be used to purchase the summoning item for Kaul, the World Boss of the King's Valley.

Unlocking Delves

Complete the quest Crystal Visions given by Nai in the Forsworn Sanctum lobby to unlock the delve for this dungeon.


Unlike other dungeons, the Malevolent Reverie spawns the player in a small room with bookshelves strewn about. Beyond the starting room is a corrupted version of Highwatch, with the corrupted Sierhaven visible in the distance.

In Sierhaven itself, there are 6 Corrupted Keys that must be brought to the Throne Room in the Sierhaven Castle. Each section of the city has its own unique elite mob, known as a Harbinger, that grants a debuff within a wide radius. The market and town grant hunger, the Academy gives weakness, the ruined apartments give slowness, and the Castle features mining fatigue.

The key locations are as follows:

Key 1: Sierhaven Bazaar [-1261, 49, 2415]

Key 2: Old labs below the Sierhaven Castle [-1393, 43, 2313]

Key 3: Apartment claim room [-1453, 51, 2296]

Key 4: Top of the Apartments building [-1452, 110, 2320]

Key 5: Top of the Academy [-1332, 119, 2411]

Key 6: Near the top of the Sierhaven Castle. [-1341, 128, 2155]

Upon giving all 6 keys to the guards in the Throne Room [-1295, 75, 2177], the player is directed to the town square, where they will face off against the boss of the dungeon, C'Axtal the Soulspeaker. Victory over C'Axtal will grant all participants in the fight a choice between various corrupted versions of King's Valley uniques.