Serebrian Lineage

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The Serebrian Lineage is an epic charm found within the Architect's Ring.

Obtainment Method(s)

The Serebrian Lineage is only held by Serebrian Zealot, a trader on the bridge to Starpoint at the coordinates: [-396, 184, 937]

Once you've found them, one of the Serebrian Zealot's trades will allow you to trade 16 Hyperchromatic Archos Ring and 48 Iridium Catalysts into a Serebrian Lineage.

Functional Information

Like all charms, the Serebrian Lineage cannot be masterworked, even though it is of the Epic tier.

Pelias' Keep Items

Keep Fragment ● Shadebound Satchel
AdanartisKisarithStonewrought Helm
Darkest PactDeepslate ChunkSpark Panel
Hollow GladiusPelias' GreavesStalwart Protector
Silver CodexSpecialist BaubleSpellbound Spearhead
Hammer of LegacyIridium CrownPelias' Sabatons
Blessing of the ConvertPious PrismRoyal Jewel
Holy VitriolSilver VestmentWind's Gaze
Architect's AegisPeakborn WindchimeSuzu of Stasis
Miner's LamentPureshard AdzeResonant Scythe
Deep Resonant FragmentElgart's Iridium BuckleHeretical Ore
Stormblessed GreatspearThe Cascade's IgnoranceThundering Legacy
Everflow PendantSix-Pronged Sea StoneUrn of Perpetuity
Chains of InertiaChains of LegacyPelias' WardenScout's HalfhelmSentinel's CapShroud of the DisappearedSilvari CoinVacant Dagger
Imperial JewelMaestro BaubleThunderous Plate