Sticks and Stones Tavern

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"Hello, traveler. Come, sit down, sit down. Have a drink."

The Sticks and Stones Tavern is the Region 3 variant of Monumenta's Regional Casinos. Featuring 4 Epics, 9 unique foods and 8 unique "rare" potions. The inside of the casino contains 3 seperate leaderboards, 4 gambling stations, 6 NPCS, an overworld instance bot, and quick access to New Antium behind the painting located at -301 169 141.


The Sticks and Stones Tavern entrance is located at -314 177 132 in the Pelias' Keep. Alternatively quick access inside of New Antium is located at -417 175 -129, and can be unlocked after completing the Keeper Agents quest.


The Sticks and Stones Tavern contains 6 NPCs, 5 Shades and 1 The Propritier. Interacting with any of the Shade NPCs gives you brief information on their current actions, aswell as sometimes giving a description of them. Interacting with The Propritier will give you more in-depth information on the Shades and the casino.


The Propritier is the only tradeable NPC inside of the Sticks and Stones Tavern.

Cost Result
Archos Ring 1 Archite Chip
Hyperchromatic Archos Ring 32 Archite Chip
1 Archite Chip Archos Ring
32 Archite Chip Hyperchromatic Archos Ring
Grand Prize Ticket Serebrian Godbrew
Grand Prize Ticket Mountain's Dew
Grand Prize Ticket Forgeflame Liquor
Serebrian Godbrew + 3 Hyperchromatic Archos Ring Grand Prize Ticket
Mountain's Dew + 3 Hyperchromatic Archos Ring Grand Prize Ticket
Forgeflame Liquor + 3 Hyperchromatic Archos Ring Grand Prize Ticket


With Archite Chip in your hotbar/inventory, right clicking on any of the 4 main buttons inside the casino will reward you with any of the following items. Your reward will automatically be put inside of your inventory if you have atleast 1 empty inventory slot.

Odds Group
  • 6 Cooked Cod
  • 6 Cooked Mutton
  • 6 Baked Potato
  • Tier 1 Region 3 Potions
  • 6 Cooked Steak
  • 8 Proprietor's Present
  • 2 Golden Carrots
  • Energetic Fruit
  • Spiced Mandrake
  • Wolfberry Bunch
  • Silverstream Pike
  • Swordberry Bunch
  • Dichen Mutton Pie
  • Snowberry Jam
  • Aether Pome
  • Deeproot Beer
  • Dendweller's Decoction
  • Fissure Tonic
  • Frosted Philter
  • Shade Hunter's Draught
  • Silvari Holy Bomb
  • Stoneborn Ale
  • Veilwalker's Vial


Unlike the Rock's Little Casino and Monarch's Cozy Casino, the Sticks and Stones Tavern doesnt have any tiered or rare items in the loot table.

The Sticks and Stones Tavern technically contains 4 different epics.