The Conduit

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The Conduit is a book written by the Tlaxan elder R'Kitxet inside the warped remnants of the Verdant Fortress. It can be found on a lectern within the lootroom after completing the Verdant Remnants Strike.


I sense them. The Outsider Made Conduit. They bring ruin wherever they walk. They place the other gods into a stasis with their powers. This will not happen to us. They will not have this shard. They will not destroy what we have put so much work into. This is our design. Our life's blood. Our work eternal. It calls to me still, begging me to not let them hurt it. It shouldn't be afraid. I can destroy the Outsider. I can bring them low and then the fragment of the darkest god will channel through me, their conduit, and take the Outsider too. Then we shall grow.
