The Perfect Meal

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For many years I've searched, desperate to find something to make me stand out. I am the greatest chef in the land, I know this to be true. I merely need to prove it, with the most delicious feast, but all avenues of exploration have come to dead ends.

First I tried Creeper meat. It was an absolute failure. I'd hope it could add a kick to any dish, but instead it did a bit much...

Any attempts to cook the meat into a dish has resulted in violent explosions. Consider this experiment over.

Next, I gave Spider a shot. While one would imagine a spider could be delicious and crunchy due to their large size, it turns out that while their eyes and teeth hold venom, so do the rest of their bodies. I was sick for weeks.

Shipment canceled.

Zombie turned out to be interesting. Some cuts of flank turn out similar to rabbit, but with a more interesting touch. However, more often, the flesh is vile and rotten.

It seems more suited to jerky and the like, but it's not quite what I'm looking for

I next comissioned my supplier to find me a Zombie Pigman. The good meat on the zombie was interesting, and everyone loves pork, I thought.

But instead, the flesh was a vile amalgamation of the two flavors, rotting and putrid.

Avoid at all costs.

Moving away from the undead, I offered my supplier quite a bit to get me a Blaze. Unfortunately it was not worth the price.

I hoped it would serve as a worthy seasoning for stews and soups, but instead all it does is cause them to burn endlessly.

Wither Skeletons were a problem. Terry narrowly escaped with a wither bone, and trying to use the marrow for stews instead just caused the food to decay instantly.

Maybe I should think more locally...

I tasked Terry to get me a regular Skeleton bone this time. I hoped perhaps the animated bones would have a unique flavoring. Unfortunately the marrow is bland and dull.

Marrow could be the key, but Terry's dog needs to stop stealing my samples.

The meat of a dog tastes odd. There was fear in the animal when I slew it.

There's something delightful about it. I must investigate further...

Terry was none too happy about his dog dying though. I must shut him up.

Terry is going to stay with me for awhile. I hope he likes it upstairs, it's quite a comfortable room.

A new adventurer came to me today and seems willing to gather exotic materials for me. Perhaps Terry can be of use again...