Unyielding Potential

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This Trial unlocks the Swordsage specialization for Rogues.

The man is concentrating heavily on the fish cooking over his fire.
  • [Everything okay with that fish?]

[Juste] AH! Goodness, you scared me. Why are you in my house? Oh whatever. If you must know, I'm cooking my dinner.

  • [Why do you live all the way out in the middle of the permafrost?]

[Juste] You broke into my house just to ask me questions? You're really a strange one, aren't you? The answer is so no one gets hurt.

  • [Hurt by what?]

[Juste] I'm a rather experienced combatant. I have invented several fighting techniques that simultaneously utilize magic and swordsmanship. However, while this power is great, it can often lead to heavy destruction during sparring matches.

  • [Could you teach me how to fight like that?]

[Juste] I'm sorry, but I already have a student. I have little need to take in another.

  • [There's no way I can convince you?]

[Juste] Hmm... Richter is one of the most gifted fighters I've met. Some might even call him a prodigy, which is why I took him in. If you can match his skills, I'll train you. But be warned, I have taught him well and he won't go easy on you.

  • [I'll do it.]
  • [That seems like a bit too much of a challenge.]
    • [Juste] Then leave me to cook my fish in peace.

[Juste] Very well, speak to me when you are ready to begin, and I will escort you down to our sparring grounds underneath my home.

TRIAL: Unyielding Potential
Class: Rogue
Skill: Swordsage
Description: Defeat Juste's student in combat.

Boss fight in large interesting room, but boss and adds are immune to arrows?

[Juste] Are you ready to go down?
  • [Lead the way.]

You follow Juste out the door to the training grounds under his house.

[Richter] This is the challenger you speak of, master? Very well, let's get this over with quickly.

[Richter] Not bad so far, but at this rate you shouldn't even bother learning my path.

[Richter] Let's make this more interesting shall we? Living Blades, cut down this infidel!

[Richter] Agh! I won't lose to a weakling like you!

[Richter] This is impossible! How are you still standing!?

[Richter] DAMN YOU! This match ends here! I won't allow myself to be beaten like this! NEVER!

You wake up with a start. It seems you've lost to Richter, but Juste seems to have a smile on his face.
[Juste] Haha, what a show! Apologies for the ending there, he doesn't handle defeat all that well and used his finishing move. I can't say I'm not impressed by your skills though. You hung in there for quite a while!
  • [So will you teach me?]

[Juste] Yes, yes I suppose you are worth my time.

Awarded Swordsage specialization and a Frosted Sabre

[Juste] Your sparring match with Richter has lit a fire under him. He's been training harder than ever now that he knows someone out there can match him.
  • [Any chance of a rematch?]

[Juste] I suspect it would be good training for both of you. Would you like me to show you to the training area?

  • [Lead the way.]