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The Diary is a book belonging to Helring. During Outer Demons, it must be retrieved for her from the Consecrated Grounds within Azacor’s Grove.


It's my first day at the Outpost and I already feel overwhelmed. The threat of the Lord felt almost nonexistent in books and reports, but now being so close I am beginning to feel fear. I can sense the other monks feel it too, so at least I'm not alone.

I've spent most of my time in the study to keep my mind off the looming threat. It was stupid to volunteer to be stationed here, no matter how important it is. I can't believe I let Aesir talk me into this.

The warding rituals failed today so everyone has fortified themselves deep within the Outpost. While the others cower I'm trying to find a way to counter the Lord's denial of our defences. Aesir is trying to rally the other to be proactive as well, but I think that the fear is too great within them to best it.

The demons have been set loose on us. We all knew it was coming, we all feared it, and now it is finally happening. It's now or never to find a way to beat the Lord.

It's a terrible plan, but it's all we've got. Aesir believes in it much more than I do, even though I came up with it. Tonight we will lay siege to the mansion. Tonight we will end Lord Azacor once and for all.