Forgive Me

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Forgive Me is a book written by the Tlaxan shaman C'Zanil, concerning his actions during and after the Blackroot War.

The book must be retrieved from C'Zanil's tomb during Beasts of Men, after completing the challenges of his generals Siershen, Selxem, Arvaya and Cyrar. It can be found in a chest along with the book The Lunatic's Tale: Souls Crushed.


I have found an amusing little book today. A Jaguar I released into the wilds was carrying it when I recaptured him. Fascinating. I have been written into their 'lore' now.

Experiments with the latest round of C'Shura's wool have been quite a success. Ever since she was banished to try and clean up C'Axtal's failure, I have been alone.

The sole shaman.

It is a strange, lonesome feeling. The war still rages, yet my fellow shamans have failed so dramatically. C'Axtal is missing, presumed dead. C'Shura, the one who started all of this, has been sent to her doom.

Now here I am, failing too. Even with two wools on my side. Quetzal and Ixume should be showing blessings upon me. Instead I find nothing but complications.

All I wanted to do was use the tribal Lunatics and give them beastial powers, much like C'Shura did for them. But I wanted to make it permanent. They would not need C'Shura. They could just stride into battle, bristling with strength.

While it is working, they turn on me. The other Tlaxans are shifting away too. The end is in sight, and I am not so sure we will wine this war against the vile assault of the invaders. Our home is being ripped from us. After all the sacrifices we have made, I am failing.

Ixume, please. Let me bear your power and infuse these beasts with your strength. I know now what else to do.

**C'Zanil, the Soulcrusher

It has been several months.

We have lost.

I have fled the Halls Of Wind And Blood, even fled my workshop nearby. I have created the Menagerie below the village the Serpentsia beasts have formed. It's hidden within a set of tunnels they never dare enter. This might even be the safest place to store... It... Ixume himself.

We shall see how my experiments go. It may be time to try on creatures beyond just the Lunatics. I do not know.

I worry that I have failed my people. Even with Quetzal and Ixume's icons in my grasp, I am not a leader for my people. The deaths I have caused... The toll may have been too great. They don't need a Soulcrusher who perverted the role.

I did not crush souls, I created them. Ghosts flood the Halls.

Maybe they can find a new leader. Maybe I should remain here. With my experiments.

I can create better. If I do, perhaps my people will side with me again.

I hope, for my sake and for theirs, that my work is complete.

I hope, for my sake and for theirs, C'Axtal and C'Shura return. Kaul has abandoned us and cursed the Sanctum. I have fled my people's anger. They are truly alone.


Today, I leave the Menagerie. My experiments were successful this time. Too much so.

I have sealed Ixume's icon within the Menagerie, but from this moment on, it must be kept secret. The beasts are free. There is nowhere safe within those walls anymore.

If anyone reads this, do not dare enter the tunnels below the Serpentsia Village. Only deaths waits for you there.

I return to my workshop with my generals.

It is there I shall prepare to die, with them at my side.

Maybe one day my people will forgive me. I have done all of this for them.

This is the last I shall write on the matter.
