Halid's Song

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Coordinates: [469, 180, -339]

[Halid] Such misfortune...

[Excuse me?]

[Halid] Ah, hello young one. Care to join me in the hot springs? Although Eldim has not been here forever, these springs have. This spring is said to be able to clear one's mind of stress, however I fear it might only be making my situation worse.


[Halid] Yes, a tragic one really. After the attack on Velara, I lost all of my musical ability. No matter how hard I try, all I can think of is that god-forsaken Anthill. I can't play, and thus I lost my title as Soulsinger.

  • [I could investigate the Anthill.]
    • [Halid] Really? You mean it? You would help a poor old fool like myself? Thank you young one, you warm my old heart. If you find anything music related, bring it back to me.
  • [I've got other things to do right now.]
    • [Halid] I hope you reconsider, child.

[1/2]: Investigate the Ephemeral Corridors, the entrance to which lies within the Anthill, for anything related to music.

[2/2]: Bring any record discs you find within back to Halid.

In Ephemeral Corridors. You have to go through 3 different floors, each floor having 2 different subsets. In each subset there are some rooms with disks. You must collect all 6, one from each subset, and bring them back to Halid.

Returning with nothing:


[Halid] Young one, have you found anything within the Anthill yet?

[Not yet.]

[Halid] That's a shame. Please tell me if anything turns up.

Bringing a Disk for the first time:


[Halid] Young one, have you found anything within the Anthill yet?

[Well, not exactly the Anthill, but within the corridors beneath it. I found this.]

[Halid] May I... see that?

[(Hand him the record you found)]

He taps the disc with his finger, and a red light ripples out.

[Halid] I know not what magic you've found within the corridors you speak of, child... But this record... it calls out for me. Hold on to it for now and return when you're ready to begin. I require a moment myself.

Turning in a disk:


[Halid] Young one, have you found anything within the Anthill yet?

  • [No, I didn't bring one.]
    • If you have a disk:
    • [Halid] Have you a reason to lie to me, child? I can sense it on your person, screaming out for me. Return when you are ready to end this delaying.
    • If you don't have a disk:
    • [Halid] You speak the truth. Return to me with a record when you're ready to proceed.

[I have. I'm ready when you are.]

If you don't have a disk:

[Halid] I may be old, but I am not senile, child. Come back when you have a record for me.

If you bring any disk:

[Halid] Let us being then.

He taps the disc rhythmically, and suddenly it shatters into a green light, enveloping him!

  • If you bring "Web-covered Classics":
  • [Halid] Lodestar's Folly... Do you know about Erix, the last beacon-bearer? His pride was his own downfall, and nearly the downfall of those he was appointed to guide. A story for another time, young one.
  • If you bring "Ethereal Expressions":
  • [Halid] Sanctity of Silence... I wrote this after the fall of Ta'Ferna - I am sure you've heard this story before and I am unwilling to tell it myself. The amount of loss... it is painful to even think about.
  • If you bring "Embalmer's Mixtape":
  • [Halid] ...I made this for my husband. He was an embalmer, and he was damn proud of it. I wasn't nearly as interested in his profession as he was, but I created this for him to listen to as he worked. A vile disease from the maw of Myrahg claimed his life over 20 years ago now - I have heard that you contained the plague since then. Knowing that no one else will suffer to it anymore, I am grateful to you, young one.
  • If you bring "Deepest Blues":
  • [Halid] This... I never finished this song? How? Why? I... I was working on this before I lost my husband... It was a collection of my best memories, written into a song, but after his death I was overwhelmed with nightmares and failure, and I was never able to bring myself to finish it...
  • If you bring "Sandy-Smooth Jazz":
  • [Halid] I detest this song. I was pressured to write this one by my peers as a sign of respect towards the shamans and our elders. The same ones who led a futile war against the Narsens and paid with the lives of their own people. Immeasurable amounts of pain, created for nothing... I should not be speaking like this to you, young one. You are doing me a great service. Thank you.
  • If you bring "Obsidian Hits":
  • [Halid] I never properly named this one. Created it during my earlier years, as a battle song of sorts. I used my status to avoid fighting in the war against the Narsens out of fear and selfishness, and to avoid being shamed by my people I wrote this to fill our warriors with the might of Ixume itself. Ironic how Zanil was using Ixume's vessel to transform warriors into beasts at the same time.

After turning in all 6 disks:


[Halid] That... was the last record, child. I know it is so - I feel complete once again... It has been so long... I must be honest with you now, after all that you have done for me. I was not the Soulsinger. There is no such thing as a Soulsinger. I was ashamed of the true circumstances that brought me to this position, and I feared you would not have helped me should you have known the truth!

  • [But why? What did you do?]
    • [Halid] I made a deal. I caught the same plague from my husband, and it nearly took my life. But then he came to me, and offered me life in exchange for song. He said it amused him, and I accepted, thinking he would save my husband's life. Instead, he saved my own, and I've been empty ever since, my talents taken away.
      • [You should've told the truth, I still would have helped you!]
        • [Halid] You are much too kind young one. I must compensate you - the trouble you went through to help me was surely vast and I cannot let you walk away empty handed.
  • [Figured as much, explains why I've never heard of you before. Now what did you do exactly?]
    • [Halid] I made a deal. I caught the same plague from my husband, and it nearly took my life. But then he came to me, and offered me life in exchange for song. He said it amused him, and I accepted, thinking he would save my husband's life. Instead, he saved my own, and I've been empty ever since, my talents taken away.
      • [Hey, all you had to do was promise a reward and I would've helped you anyways. Speaking of...]
        • [Halid] Of course, you surely deserve compensation for all you must have went through to help this old fool.

[Halid] Here, young one, for you - it is a Tlaxan record player. I have set it up for you so you can play the 6 songs you returned to my memories, along with a 7th song I wrote specifically for you. I also have a record disc version of that song for you to take as well. I simply cannot thank you enough for all you have done for me, I would be happy to set up the record player with any other songs you may find on your journey. I wish you good fortunes!

HALID'S SONG COMPLETE! Awarded a Tlaxan Record Player, the Ballad of a Hero, and the ability to bring Halid more items to upgrade your Record Player with.