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Dragonbone Carvings

Dragonbone Carvings are collectables from the Sealed Remorse strike, translated at Izzy near the Rosetta Bone in the Sealed Remorse lobby. Each carving talks about a different skin most of the time, but there are a few exceptions.

List of Carvings
Name Image Translation Related Item
Blikkbran Carving.png
His eyes linger. What has been seen? Break him. Make him into something new. Ghalkor calls out. Beast is silent. Gaze of Ghalkor
Dolkargit Carving.png
'...and still these people beg the bones for forgiveness. What they do not know is what the true purpose of the Doorway was. The Veil here is for something else...' Architect's Dagger
Draaklyk Carving.png
Lastflame cries. Betrayer flees. Death felt across bones. Carry message in marrow. The Void leaks. The Doorway closes. Blackflame Remains
Drakkskaal Carving.png
Wear the bones. Ancients hold power still. There is life in the scales. There is meaning in the bones. Something here must be defended. Dragonscale Greaves
Goddelikval Carving.png
His flesh becomes life. His maw becomes home. His claws become safety. His soul becomes ours. The Decaying God
Hanskkon Carving.png
Clenched fist. Heart crushed. Lifeflame drips down pathways etched before. Speak for dead. Future for living. The Beast comes. Blackflame Gauntlet
Kloudrakk Carving.png
Sharpest claw made to fit. Blackflame becomes its people. Heat melts flesh. Flesh becomes bone. Bone becomes Blackflame. Talon of the Great Beast
Kraakbyn Carving.png
Bonespeaker garb. Torn ligaments. Empty vessels. Blackflame flows through voice. Blackflame turns Silver. Cartilage Cuirass
Sigvis Carving.png
His smile twists. What has been spoken? Twisted vigil. The seal cracks. Svalgot offers furious bones. Svalgot's Leer
Nietygg Carving.png
Below bubbles Void. Veil Torn. Doorway Sealed, four within. Void from Veil. Time ends. Refrences the Vigil. No Item.
Vlueldrakk Carving.png
Mighty flap. Sky calls. Blackflame answer. There is no time now. Only rush of wind. Wings of the Wyvern
Stoelvlam Carving.png
Safety in armor. Wear same to become one people. The Blackflame call. The people answer. Debt paid. Blackflame Solleret
Verandebeen Carving.png
We will take the voice. Magic flows through long-dead horns. Speak what is beyond. Speak what comes before . Osseous Mask
Drakkatsem Carving.png
Tongue calls out in ancient ways. Flame spits from maw. Intruders to fuel the Seal. Silver to temper Void. Dragonbreath Repeater